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redem 31 жовт. о 14:01 
:exclamation: Hey,I saw your Ak Redline with the Katowice2015 stickers and I was wondering if you’d be open to chatting about it. I’m really into flipping rare skins like this one. I can't add you because of the friend request limit, but feel free to add me if you’d love to hear my offer. No worries if not! Take care! :exclamation:
Garisar 19 верес. о 10:19 
+rep really nice player
Gudal 18 серп. о 11:18 
+rep USP magician
Saikelv 17 серп. о 11:52 
+rep challenging opponent
Akilar 12 серп. о 11:59 
+rep wanna one one?
Huriel 20 лип. о 8:56 
Let's prove we're the best duo.