Major D
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Also Known as (In Reverse Chronological Order):

Major D as The Claw

Major D and his Squirt Guns

Major D Awaiting for Santa

Major D vs the Phantom of the Earwax

Major D: Ed Dead Redemption

Major D Going Up

Major D and his Caroling Friends

Major D the Haunted Mattress

Major D the Pro Gamer Jedi

Major D and Ol' Blue

Major D's Thriller

Major D, Master of the Schwartz

Major D's Feed and Seed

Major D the Specter of Defeat

Major D the Supreme Gentleman

Major D the Cool Kid

Major D: Employee of the Month

Major D the Christmas Angel

Major D as Lothar!

Major D, Mole Mutant Profiteer

Major D and his Turtle Helmet

Major D the Christmas Elf

Major D the Urban Ranger Leader

Major D the Urban Ranger

Major D the Wee Roach

Major D