Boris Mackenschnable   Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Geometry, get it? Gee-Ima-Tree?
2 Men walk into a bar, it hurt.

Pervy Sage: So what is blacklight?
Stipples is now Offline.

Space Marshmallow: was about to suggest
Space Marshmallow: coz
Space Marshmallow: i got to lvl 50 on won
Space Marshmallow: one
Space Marshmallow: WOWWWW
Space Marshmallow: TARD RIET HEER

Pervy Sage: Just stab something, it helps when I'm angry.
Space Marshmallow: except your cousin....

Mr. Bean is my hero.
Would you rather die by being eaten to death by gumless Lions, or 10,000 ants?

I know what you're asking yourself, and the answer is yes. I have a nickname for my penis, it's called the octogon. But I also named my testies, the left one is James Westfall and my right one is Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.
-Brian Fantana

Roses are Grey
Violets are Grey
I'm a dog.

Space Chip 17 hours ago
:( u guys r meanez, space use to be nice - then i added pervy - now space iz meanie along with pervy D:
Space Marshmallow - MP3 15 hours ago
try less spam and more intellegence.

Tourettes, Itchy balls, same thing.
He killed my brudder! I took his munneeey.

I used to be a vault hunter like you, but then I joined the Crimson Raiders.

`PervySage: What would you do if you walked in on your parents having sex?
Precizion: Kill myself.

"I have a feeling we should kiss."
"I sometimes have a feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmmh, better not."
- Fat Amy, Pitch Perfect.

The most hypocritical thing I have witnessed in my ENTIRE LIFE. []
What light, through yonder BumHole breaks?
DerkPansy 2014 年 3 月 6 日 下午 9:21 
pls do not do that space marshmaloe
Chomba 2014 年 3 月 6 日 上午 4:18 
Super Mean Agent 2014 年 2 月 2 日 上午 1:52 
nice profile taylor
DerkPansy 2013 年 11 月 3 日 上午 12:57 
Chomba 2013 年 11 月 2 日 上午 5:36 
Chomba 2013 年 1 月 17 日 下午 10:57