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1-10/49개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 49.5시간
The most perfectly faithful remake to ever exist. Despite nearly 20 years passing, everything is just as I remember it albeit some things I recalled out of order. As far as I can tell all the level design is the more or less the same. Which by the way must be a testament to Visceral's excellent original work as the way you progress through rooms and chapters feels so well thought out, and only improved by the remake. All the story beats were familiar. Only notable differences being the change to Isaac and Nicole's faces. Isaac's fine but I did like his old face, and his new one kinda looks like Zuckerberg in certain angles. And Nicole just looks a lot older, and makes some weird faces when you first see her in person, and at the end next to Daniels she has this weird grimace on her face that makes her look a lot like WIllem Dafoe as the Green Goblin, and that's just weird. :U Great experience, a shame EA won't remake the rest.
2025년 2월 13일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 119.9시간 (평가 당시 119.9시간)
I was almost considering a positive rating until I got into playing the Liberation part. So.. many.. crashes.. You can play it for maybe an hour and then it crashes randomly, opening the map, talking to someone, walking around, whatever. Then once that first crash happens you're guaranteed another crash within a few mins of the next launch, then after that you're likely to not see the game launch at all and crash before then. The only way to fix this is to reboot your computer, my guess is there's some sort of residual process of the game loaded into memory. Because after a reboot the game launches fine again until some odd hours later when it crashes again and the cycle begins again. AC3 portion had its own crashes but they were a 1:10 compared to Liberation's crash amount.

AC3: Since it first came out I always looked at it as the worst AC game, it offered a downgraded arsenal from the best AC game which came before, had something different about the combat I didn't like, and the convoy stuff was offputting at the time, but coming back to it maybe I just really missed Ezio. It was sad to see him go. Aside from that it's got a pretty interesting narrative with creative twists and relations with known history. The map UI is clean and detailed which is appreciated, and the UI in general feels very sleek when compared to AC4. It's got a lot of bugs with subtitles showing the wrong speaker or NPCs stacking clones of themselves and other misc things. For a remaster it doesn't look any different than how I remember the game looking before, and just objectively worse in some places. Played its DLC for the first time and that was pretty fun, the animal powers made world traversal more fun and enjoyable. It was really cringe though how all the returning homestead NPCs from base game had new voice actors, that didn't even match their ethnicity or original accents.

Liberation: First time playing it, started off jarring, a lot of time skips with little exposition. Though I did appreciate the game having story updates in the loading screen between sequences, would like that in the other AC games such as AC3 and AC4 which both have timeskips as well. The three identity system was interesting. The bayou map sucked ass, so much water. Canoes weren't common enough, and even then they were cumbersome to use and unreliable to navigate if the map lies to you about where there is water and land. Aside from horrendous crashing problem it has, it was fine, though it felt like the story was lacking much in the assassin department. The final sin is not having the Erudito cuts be a requirement to see the true ending, you can miss some of them and then just continue after the fake ending to get the true one. Going back to find those single cuts after already seeing the ending kind of undermines the impact it would have as a whole.
2025년 1월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 122.0시간
Over 10 years later, still holds up as a charming pirate experience with interesting characters and a thought provoking narrative.

It does have issues with onboarding new gameplay elements to the player that feel have been introduced out of sequence. E.g. Being able to do Assassin contracts despite the protag not knowing who they are, let alone how to do contracts for them. And the game introduces them in a cutscene several hours later as if you haven't already done like 20 of them by then. The game does the same thing again with like two other systems but that's really about it for bad design choices. Only other complaint is the UI can be pretty cumbersome at times, namely when buying/crafting multiple items. You have to do them one at a time, and doing that 10 or 15 times is cringe.

AC4 is a very fun and interesting experience. Was my second time playing it but it was still fun to see it all again, especially since some twists and plot devices I had lost in memory until I saw them again. I did experience the DLC for the first time however, and that was cool extra bit. Also had my first time experiencing AC multiplayer. Despite having dead servers for being over 10 years old it was surprisingly still enjoyable. Might have been more so in its prime too with more than active player base of 30 or less. Most of the game modes were pretty engaging yet simple. Though some modes felt kind of redundant and too similar to others with little information on differentiating them. Still fun though. Overall it got me excited to get back into AC games again as AC4 was the last one I touched when it came out.
2025년 1월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 65.4시간
Dishonored at home. Seems cool at first, sneaking into homes and pilfering their valuables. But that illusion quickly falls apart. Other than buying the three tools and some rope arrows there doesn't feel to be much value in the continued stealing throughout the game. The lockpicking is probably the most unappealing iteration of lockpicking seen in a game. Only aspect that holds up is peeking through keyholes. Peeking around corners however can be pretty annoying sometimes because it'll often happen while you try to loot an item since they use the same keybind, particularly chests. Which by the way are very strange to look at in this game because chests usually just open up to a 3 inch deep flat wooden indent that just contain two loot items while still having like another 12 inches until the chest meets the floor.

The parkour is very stiff, there's no jump button or climbing allowed except for at specifically designated areas. The claw tool exists purely to limit the player's ability in this manner, most of the time the claw is used for something an expert thief should just be able to do with their hands. There is a point where the metal grate for the claw is found on the floor of a home that gets turned on its side thus now making it a wall climb, and that was just silly. The character does do some real sort of climbing however when they climb the metal pipe sections and it does it in a 3rd person camera that just makes you wish you were playing Assassin's Creed instead.

Speaking of getting around, the world navigation is horrendous. The city is divided into 3 sections and each of those sections divided into another 2 or 3 smaller sections. In which they expect you to navigate through random windows that go into an apartment and then leave through another window that goes into the desired area. None of that is communicated to the player with the map menu either. It's even more painful if you accidentally run into these traversal loading screens as you have no option but to load into the new map and then turn around and load back. On top of that all the window and shimmy pathways have an annoying button mash event to get through the animation. And the player does this obnoxious appreciation of the framing of each and every window before trying to open it that gets old very fast.

At last there's the story which could be worse but it's not particularly captivating at least in the way that they tell it. There are some odd plot jumps and motivations behind some characters don't make sense. The interest dwindles pretty early on around chapter 2, but then spikes at 5 because suddenly you're playing an indie horror game??? In the later levels they start making the common merchant follow you around everywhere to give you opportunities to restock ammo, and it just feels like Resident Evil 4's merchant but awkward and without any personality. A lot of this game is just very reminiscent of Dishonored but worse. Those flashback/hallucination segments remind me of meeting with the Outsider in Dishonored, but less interesting. The setting for the game is basically exactly the same as Dishonored as well, a Victorian era city with a bridge on the waterfront with steampunk elements. The first thing you see in the game is that bridge and it looks very similar to the one in Dishonored you see a lot of. Well Thief did come out 2 years after. Also must say worst load menu? When you go to load save data it asks you to pick a second time like it didn't hear you the first time or the choice didn't matter. Much like replaying the game, there's no point in it since the story turns out the exact same and the world isn't any different for it. Whereas in Dishonored the people see you differently based on your actions, you get rewarding dialogue and story developments for being murderous or merciful. Checks all the boxes Thief wished it could.
2024년 11월 23일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 61.0시간
Aged poorly, was probably okay for its time. Ugly UI. Has a really float-y/friction-less character controller that feels really unnatural to move around with. Back4Blood does a perfect recreation of the formula while keeping it looking good and feeling good, and adding a sense of progression to the game which L4D2 lacks any.
2024년 11월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.3시간
Very fun premise. Simple yet interesting plot. Extremely thoughtful level design. Each individual region connected back to the overworld in a way that made progression flow right along. Level design very reminiscent of Super Metroid, some areas even feel like out of a Metroid game.
2024년 10월 18일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 293.9시간
ME1: What a fantastic experience. Thoroughly enjoyed spending several of the early hours just on the Citadel talking to everyone and learning the lore. The different alien species are so interesting. And with the mods available it still looked pretty amazing visually. My only complaint is there are too many mountains to drive over and the Mako does not handle it well. Greatly enjoyed everything else, looking forward to the rest.

ME2: Amazing. The ending had so much excitement, felt like being in a badass action movie. There's great and interesting character development from the prequel, and fun new characters and locations introduced. I loved the new hacking minigames, actually enjoyed doing them as opposed to the first game where all the hacking minigames are the exact same. One thing I do miss is being able to talk to your squadmates at any location to hear their thoughts on the location. In this game you need to go to a specific POI in the map to hear what they have to say. Oh also I miss how big the Citadel was before, so much to do there and people to meet; here the Presidium is literally one room. The new galaxy map is neat, it had a fun way of gathering resources. The new loadout system was nice but also felt very small after the last game. Like there are only 3 snipers, 4 if you pick sniper in the weapon choice that comes up. And characters only have 4 skills, just wish there was some sort of middle ground with how much you could do in the first game.

ME3: Fantastic. While there are many of the positive things I'd say about this one that I said about the last game. They are very different in enough ways. It's wonderful to see a game with choices I made two games ago have an impact still. That's an experience you can count happening on one hand basically. I do like how much more expanded the arsenal is, addresses my complaints about it in ME2, although as time went on I ended up carrying less weapons for use of the faster cooldown system. I like how the ship felt more alive in this one than previously. You can randomly come back after a mission and Garrus and another squadmate will be sharing war stories in different rooms of the ship. A lot of them call each other on comms and have interesting and fun dialogue with each other, some that you can even participate in. Although I do miss the crew and ship design of ME2. The final mission was not as epic as the last game's nor was its ending. It did have a lot of nice moments with friends and crazy reveals however just not as great. And then the ending, it leaves some things to be desired for sure. It reminds me of Cyberpunk's multiple ending choices, nearly all being grim sad and hopeless, except you still get one with a sliver of hope and at least a happy conclusion with the people you care about. In this game, all the endings have you die except one that only changes by adding a small glimpse of Shephard still alive at the end. But you don't get to see anyone else know that, just leaves it as a dry unsatisfying cliffhanger. I found the AHEM (Audemus Happy Ending Mod) to rearrange and add scenes that fixed that from feeling incomplete to being a proper satisfying and concluded story. Overall I think 2 was indeed the better game, but I am still very joyed at what ME3 brought to the story and the characters. The story as a whole is wonderful, I'm glad I finally experienced these gems. And some day I hope there are remakes of these games that modernize them to give them a good polish and fix their flaws, none of that cringe excessive Mako ♥♥♥♥ from ME1 lol 😂
2024년 6월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 10월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 44.5시간
Much better than the first game. Has the map I wish the first had for navigating my way to certain things. A lot of new weapons. Much improved upgrade system. Better collectibles. More funny dialogue. 100% more Natalya. I hope they continue remastering the rest of the franchise.
2024년 4월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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6명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 89.6시간
A hugely vast improvement over the first game. Like wow. From the title menu it's impressive to look at, all those different typefaces designed for different menu buttons? Beautiful. And the menu design itself is clean and filled with what the first game was lacking. All around improved visuals from the previous game. It does have somewhat of an optimization problem, mostly if you use VSync, it runs very reasonably once you realize that and do without it, and maybe try some other tweaks. Only technical complaint I have is that the game does some bad flickering when alt tabbed while streaming it.

The story is perfect, it didn't feel anything was missing from it like it did with the first game. The tutorial was immersive, and the intro buildup into the character selection was great. Pulling the classic gaming trope of "second game means adding a second character". The way they tailored the narrative based on which character you choose to play as feels very well done. It was so good that I actually looked forward to playing the game four times to experience the story as good/evil path of both characters. That's pretty rare as I'd typically just like to get as few runs in as possible to get all achievements done. The different outcomes and choices you can make to change the story are staggering. The voice actors do amazing jobs of making their characters feel alive. And the return and surprise of a few characters were pleasantly shocking.

The new powers system is so awesome and the new ones added are not only cool as ♥♥♥♥ but also fun as hell to use. I kind of love Far Reach more than Blink lol Shadow Walk is dope, Mesmerize makes for a cool stealth option for magical play, and Domino just adds on top of that. The new charm crafting is awesome too, allowing one to make stronger versions of found charms which adds for even more depth to your playstyle choice. The fact that you can enjoy all this with NG+ now makes for a perfect replayable experience.

It has to be mentioned somewhere but the music is phenomenal. Especially the custom vocals (and wonderful strings) heard on the streets and the credits, "The Coup" and "On The Sands Of Serkonos" are amazing.

Lastly the level design has to be mentioned because by god they did a fantastic job. I love the modular home of Jindosh, it reminded me of H.H.Holmes murder castle. That was my favorite level to play through. I thought there was no way to peak that and then the next level has you use a device to travel through two points in time to find out what happened there three years ago and a means to navigate the area in ways not possible in the present. It, everything, was so well done, I was captivated.
2024년 4월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 85.1시간
The game is cute and charming. The dream concept is interesting and allows for a lot of creativity with the genre. The story became more compelling than the core gameplay, it was sad and in some ways relatable. I wish there was a dialogue history as it's easy to blink and miss something that was said. You can fast travel between dungeon rooms which is cool and never seen in the genre. There was a lot of neat weapons and fun references in the game. Despite all that I dreaded making progress after the first few hours due to how painful it is. The lack of variety in the enemies and levels makes it feel kind of empty. Grindiest grind of any roguelite I've seen. Little gains, extremely high costs. It's basically the most important aspect of the genre, so it doesn't matter how good the rest is when that aspect feels like a slog.
2024년 4월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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