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Yayınlanma: 9 Oca @ 23:33

Over 10 years later, still holds up as a charming pirate experience with interesting characters and a thought provoking narrative.

It does have issues with onboarding new gameplay elements to the player that feel have been introduced out of sequence. E.g. Being able to do Assassin contracts despite the protag not knowing who they are, let alone how to do contracts for them. And the game introduces them in a cutscene several hours later as if you haven't already done like 20 of them by then. The game does the same thing again with like two other systems but that's really about it for bad design choices. Only other complaint is the UI can be pretty cumbersome at times, namely when buying/crafting multiple items. You have to do them one at a time, and doing that 10 or 15 times is cringe.

AC4 is a very fun and interesting experience. Was my second time playing it but it was still fun to see it all again, especially since some twists and plot devices I had lost in memory until I saw them again. I did experience the DLC for the first time however, and that was cool extra bit. Also had my first time experiencing AC multiplayer. Despite having dead servers for being over 10 years old it was surprisingly still enjoyable. Might have been more so in its prime too with more than active player base of 30 or less. Most of the game modes were pretty engaging yet simple. Though some modes felt kind of redundant and too similar to others with little information on differentiating them. Still fun though. Overall it got me excited to get back into AC games again as AC4 was the last one I touched when it came out.
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