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投稿日: 2021年5月15日 9時07分

I had heard many praises of NieR:A and so after seeing on sale decided sure I'll give it a go. tl;dr Loved it!

NieR's story is one that is exprienced through 5 main endings, the story is very good and I won't go into much detal as to not spoil anything. Know that the full story is spread acrossthe 5 endings and you must play all of them to get the full story. 9/10

Combat is fluid with diverse build options, cool skills and on the fly chip (passive skills) switching for max flexiblity.

In some segments you will be required to hack which is like a mini game where you are in a bullet hell. these segnebts are the lowest part of combat but are still good in their own way.

Bosses are powerful while having very cool designs.


NG+X Scaling
This game does not have NG+ scalings rather you will play 3 full playthorughs the first 2 are the same for the most part but from diffrent charcters prespective while the other one is a full on continuation which end in 1 of 3 endings. While route B is like route A it still has it's moments of unique combat and feels overall great.


Final score
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