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張貼於:2014 年 5 月 6 日 下午 2:53

You know, its rare that I don't like a game.... very rare. With over 400 games in my library i can honestly say, its hard to make me not like a game. But if there is one award I should give to Godus its the award for best way to make me dislike a game. Lets start off from when i bought this. I bought it thinking it was an intuitive age of empires meets Sim City kind of deal. It was. However, the progression was slow, the build time for things was ridiculous after a while, the level of immersion was awful, etc, etc. But I said to myself, I said "Penis, you don't dislike games, you have games in your library that most wouldn't ever want to touch. So this is just a case of the game being in early stages." So i agreed to let the game grow. Then a couple weeks ago... i learned this would be P2P.... HOLD UP.... I can play games like Black And White for one cheap price of 20 Dollars, but for this i have to WHAT NOW. OH HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL NO. That was the last straw. I vowed that I would not ever play this game again, and were it possible i would ask for a refund immediately. So, friends, dont buy this game. Its not worth it.

P.S.: In recent statements the DEV said they would be focusing on the mobil app more, so its not even worth bothering.
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