Kohai-San   Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
A person who finds Anime Characters sexually attractive.

Otakusexuals tend to masturbate to anime porn called hentai.

Otakusexuals that are skilled at drawing tend to draw anime characters to fit their sexual fantasies.

Otakusexuals are not limited to just manga/anime characters; They are also attracted to videogame characters and other characters that look similar to manga style designs.

Otakusexuality has many different subdivisions.

When an otakusexual male and an otakusexual female have sex, they would cosplay as any anime character their partner chooses; Rarely if a person doesn't look like the anime character requested, then that person would wear an anime mask of the requested character during sexual intercourse.

In other relationships they would cosplay as any character they want to be during intercourse.
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♣ 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 ✿ 18 сен. 2020 г. в 15:31 
| 📒💃🌳📘🚘💄📒🎍⚡⛳🐠🍆🎄🍇💛💗🏓💎:shereeimpulse

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another forty-four.
(Interesting Times)

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S ee? I'm your greatest friend.
E veryday, you can count on me
N ight, dark but cozy.
D ay, there's always light just like your heart.

N ot everyone can have me as their friend.
U nreliable, that's not me.
D eal with it, I will always be your friend.
E ven when you thought about that.
S o now you know how great friend I am
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