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Geplaatst: 2 feb 2023 om 21:55
Gewijzigd: 5 feb 2023 om 8:46

Last Edit: thanks for some clarifications, now that i have you attention, i edited a bit acordingly to better inform everybody

I would like to "Up Vote" since i LOVED Trackmania United, and i like TrackMania, and would encourage if YOU Never played a TM game, PLAY IT, period, at least try it, it's fun, But:

1- You "Can't Buy" the game, you can play, but only host if you Subscribe to host your games for a limited time, and play your created tracks with your friends.

2- The "Free 2 play" version, is like a free "multiplayer restricted Demo", you play, but can't edit your car, build and play your tracks online, host for friends online, but you can join the existing seasonal public game with 60 random people, Royal / competitive MM

3- That's it? no, you can play 25 campaign maps, and another 25 training maps too (thx eule), but sincerely i'm here for the online with friends

Edit: thanks you for the love! <3 i've never received so many thumb ups like ever.

Edit 2: Just to clarify, since the comments got rly hot rly fast, i enjoyed playing TrackMania, i said i loved track mania games, i don't like the subscribe models, and know how they handle things in ubisoft, and i think it can work better than how it works right now, even if it's a relative more decent subscribe system than other games.

-just wanted friends to know how this really works since this info feels under-played on the store page with a * at the end of just "some" of the features only

I would like to be able to actually buy and own this to support it!

-So i can create games to play with my friends, i don't like losing 80% of my game features if i don't pay a monthly fee (yearly too as clarified on comments but it's just montly extended to years) like i'm pressured to play since time is running out while i'm not playing. that really should be handled differently IMO

The features that are actually rented by month should be different, if they choose this free2play/paywall model, stuff like being able to have a personal online club, own a server for hosting tournaments and alike, stuff that's actually a service and costs money to maintain, or a luxury, that's fine, but not 80-90% of the basic features of the game.

Edit: chill, i said i liked the game, there's nothing wrong with that, and the info is accurate, as to this date, it's also on the game description if you take your time to read it too (you should), but i would not recommend it to "my friends" who i used to play with back in TM united/forever.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
20 opmerkingen
matohin 5 feb 2023 om 21:09 
how many times do people need to be screwed over by games as a service being the only option to "have" the game to realize that corporations don't care about games eventually becoming lost media?
Neon 5 feb 2023 om 14:39 
It's a live service game, you can't buy it.

It baffles me how this community can shoot itself in the foot, the more people that play this and enjoy it the more content you'll get, if you really don't want fresh content just go and play the old games.

The subscription is literally the cheapest one i've ever known, it cannot be more fair than this... Buying the game once and making it not a live service game is less fair than this subscription model.

Stop wrongfully review bombing this game. Not saying it doesn't have issues, performance issues are a big thing, but the payment model isn't one of them.
=GonTar= 5 feb 2023 om 8:16 
@SMJSMOK but you are not buying the game, that's my point, you guys just keep avoiding the point, you can't play your tracks with others if you are not subscribed, sure you can keep sandboxing for eternity, but that's not the point.

-> i said i liked this track mania, but would not recommend it for what you get, and how you get it, comparing it to the other track manias.

it's my point of view, and the information is certain, if you twist it, to a different point of view, then everybody's opinion is wrong. :heart:
matohin 5 feb 2023 om 8:00 
lol ubi shills in replies
OG games that had much more content without the subscription plague (read: once ubisoft decides to pull the plug, you're gonna be left with nothing. experience NFS World all over again!) are only playable to this day because of fans removing the horror that is the StarForce DRM all while Nadeo did nothing to save any of the pre-NF/UF games and kept making sure that preserving the games is going to be a pain for the TM2 series as well.

but i am sure that yet another big publisher F2P release won't screw you over in the future once the servers go down.
=GonTar= 5 feb 2023 om 7:56 
@iluvatar_gr i agree with you, Track Mania deserver a thumbs up, always, but i would rather recommend Uniter/Forever, since you had more features having paid for it, you get less for paying here and timed.

And I would rather have the business man understand, how to run this model better, than just say "yeah it's fine" and don't give 0 farts about it. :happy_creep:
Yapper 4 feb 2023 om 17:45 
it's not renting you never lose access to any content you had even after you go back to free tier if you think the 10 euro was too much for a year. For the standard edition you get a year's worth of content and permanent access to the advanced map editor
Oren The Mountain Biker 3 feb 2023 om 22:10 
This is the best game ever, you can have tones of fun for free in ranked mode. I played only ranked untill I had too much fun and decided to buy in order to have the advanced map editor
EN07Z 3 feb 2023 om 20:48 
I was about to download it, now I won't, thanks.
Vlad the Inhaler 3 feb 2023 om 18:38 
It's a yearly sub for 10 dollars mate, what you whining about
Leaf 3 feb 2023 om 18:22 
Reading the comments this review is absolute garbage. And the writer is saying thanks for all the upvotes for their misleading review....