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168.7 hrs on record (62.0 hrs at review time)
As someone who enjoys 40k & The fantasy series, this game hits most of if not all the right bars.

Story: The story isn't on the same level as God of War: Ragnarok, Halo trilogy, or the older call of duty games. It is short, if you skip the operations in between each mission. However I say it's pretty damn good for a 40k game.

Graphics: The scenery is gorgeous, surprisingly a bit optimized, although like most games now days you need to have a solid pc to experience them. With a 3070ti & A Ryzen 9 5950X, I've played on the highest graphics settings with 60+ fps. The best of it is definitely the scenery & cinematics, which are grand and epic in proportions.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fun, and the mechanics that exist in the game have a bit of difficulty to them but in due time you can learn and master them. I went from the tutorial mission giving me some difficulty in getting my butt kicked although not dying, to being able to never lose a singular health point, since you can regain armor relatively easy. My general experience is playing the game on the 2nd hardest difficulty.

Multiplayer: On pve side operations is harder than the story with some classes over others, Assault feeling like the weakest due to restricting the jump pack movement which isn't consistent to the campaign or pvp, to the rest having extremely fun experience and high survivability like the Bulwark. I haven't touched pvp too much, but its alright, it's not like 40k Eternal crusade (RIP), and the time to kill feels faster than that game which isn't bad. However the elephant in the room is that cheaters do exist. Yes the game has only been out for 6 days officially + 4 from early access. The cheaters are able to do the following: Shoot through walls, have sight of everyone, able to switch teams somehow and have many more abilities yet to be seen but from what I heard they can do a lot.. But it was only 1 out of a lot of matches have yet to see another.

Content: This unfortunately isn't the strongest quality of the game, a lot of effort was put into the campaign and that is definitely shown, 6 operations, 5 of which are tied to the story and 1 being side content. Each operation takes about 20 minutes to complete, varies based on difficulty and whether you are alone or not. Mostly your grind is leveling the different classes, which levels do not carry between Operations & Eternal war what does carry is Cosmetics & money. I've found Eternal war to be better at getting cosmetics & money as operations is much slower and rewards you different through armoury data for weapon upgrades all in all it needs more improvement and additions. Luckily there's a roadmap that already features new weapons for later, maps, operations & even classes.

All in all the game is very good and I recommend for newcomers to 40k or long standing story lore Librarians, the future of the game is unknown however the popularity of the game will show whether Focus Entertainment & Saber Interactive would wanna add to the game after Season 4 or end up working on a new title. 9/10.
Posted 15 September, 2024. Last edited 15 September, 2024.
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17.8 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Played for like 12 hrs and here's what I got: It's mixed for good reason. Sorta of expected due to the history of the developer/publisher.

Pros: Gameplay, Graphics, Weapons, Descendants.

Detail: The gameplay is very fun, the graphics look nice although global illumination currently causes huge fps drops. The gun play feels nice, the weapons and descendants feel good and each have their special place.

Cons: Bad optimization, Repetitiveness, Lag issues, Terrible story, Terrible english voice acting, Monetization, Customization, No trading.

Detail: Global illumination devastates pc performance, and even lowering it still doesn't fix the massive fps drops into single digits. Repetitiveness, there's only at most like 5 mechanics, collecting, plate capturing, a payload escort, extermination and hacking (or just interacting with a console). For story purposes there's barely anything being told about the world you reside it if nothing at all. Barely any explanation of what your enemies are and what they want to do or the backstory of us the descendants or the ancestors. The voice acting makes it even harder to understand or bare to listen to. A lot of the character lines are annoying and some characters are just unbearable to listen to. Everything is costly in this game when it comes to customization, and even then colors can't be applied to basic defaulted skins only the ones you earned from previous betas or purchased. They gave us color pallets for day one being iffy, but can't apply it to anything if i don't own a skin. There's no ability to trade, so have fun stockpiling parts of already built weapons/Descendants.

All in all it's fun, and I still recommend it cause you could see for yourself for only like a few hrs at most. Don't buy anything just play.

Edited 7/4/2024 2:54 am.
Do not play, it's physically incapable of running at the moment. I experienced nothing but rubber banding, and lack of capability to even defend myself while enemies just move to my last connected location and hit that only to die and rubber band to that very spot.
Posted 3 July, 2024. Last edited 3 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
This DLC is comparable to the best in the whole series. It delivers all and more in terms of narrative and gameplay. Although it isn't perfect. It's pretty damn close. If you've chosen to stick with this love and hate relationship of a game. Then get it, because it received love. Comparing it to the dumpster fire of Lightfall which was made up on a whim and incomplete, it's day and night. Try it. See for yourself.
Posted 12 June, 2024.
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250.8 hrs on record (48.7 hrs at review time)
We did it, democracy prevailed. The game is now free to be purchased and played by many.

Now we must return to the front, as the days of protest are over, now we must halt the advance of Super Earth's enemies.

For those who refunded, please return. We'll need every one of you. Just like we did before.
Posted 11 February, 2024. Last edited 5 May, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
22.2 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
1 Furry Dev = A game that surpassed Call of Duty in sales on steam, in less than a month of it coming out.

Get it, the company is hiring everyday!

Beware of the Flower Man.
Posted 30 November, 2023.
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22.0 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Do not play right now, let it sit, be fixed and issues addressed.

I wanna like the game, but I can't even load into a match even after the server crash has been fixed. And this is all for a private lobby, you can't even solo/offline play. The gameplay feels alright but it's no where near the previous game. The leveling system for "infamy" which is your main way to level up is exactly like Halo infinite when it launched, locked behind doing challenges so you can level up. No heist gives you exp for infamy, just your weapons and perks. There's a limited amount of weapons which some are just not even worth using as the cops deal and tank so much damage. The perk system doesn't feel like it has a lot of variety compared to Payday 2, and isn't as hugely impactful. You get grit, rush, and edge. Which are just 10% increases to damage reduction, running speed and damage. They don't stack. As for overkill weapons, I am only able to use the grenade launcher which does way more damage to you than it ever would with the cops. It just tickles them, a hard difficulty regular cop took 6 out of 12 grenades from the rotary launcher. meanwhile it kills me if I am too close. Armor system needs to return to Payday 2, I don't like the idea of it being limited only for your health to get erased by 3 cops on normal. And it's difficult cause the ammo economy in this game isn't too good either, the weapons that can actually kill successfully for the amount of rounds have only 3 mags worth of ammo. I got so hyped on this game, only to see all this, so I just downloaded Payday 2 again to fulfill my urges to play.
Posted 22 September, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
20.1 hrs on record
Honestly, my thoughts about the game were gonna be a bust. But this game is a complete and utterly impressive win. The lore and details are almost alike, but the small changes really make huge impacts. Implications of more fleshed out characters, Isaac's interactions and respect for some of them, and disgust for the rest. Play this game, it's beautiful, action packed and story rich with a secret ending as an option. My only issues were small minor bugs and fps drops but 1000x better than Callisto protocol. Better in story, gameplay and optimization. 9.5/10.
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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40.0 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
Oh boy, where to start with a game like this. The whole aesthetic is creepy in a sense, fun as hell. I for one enjoy the 1st Gameplay loop with Leshy, the others are great too and unique every step of the way. I'm so glad they made a mod for this game just for his section of the game. 10/10 Play it and you'll spend countless hours trying to make a card that would be completely broken.
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
46.7 hrs on record (46.3 hrs at review time)
The game is great. The gameplay is challenging yet fun. The grasp of mechanics is simplistic, music is fantastic and the atmosphere is stunning. I highly recommend this game if you want to throw a solid week worth of hours into something. 9/10 Why a 9? Well they took my beloved Vestal.. :c
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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260.6 hrs on record (231.1 hrs at review time)
I'll leave this to whomever is interested. Is this a good MMO? It's alright, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be addressed before it can be compared to more lasting and favored mmos.

This will not include the expansion!

Combat system - Pretty good imo.
Environment - Good very pretty to look at.
Sound design - Absolutely Amazing, they did a great job with it. The sound of an axe chopping wood or a pickaxe hitting a rock, echoing throughout the area is very good.
World Market Mechanic - Interesting concept, had it's issues in the past but now it's in a good state.

Gameplay - Very poor progression, there's just the set of quests that tell you to move from area to area and kill something, do a dungeon (or solo optional quest) and collect some kind of item from chests.
Enemies - There's a lot of npc re-using, some with different colors but same attacks and AI. Ebonscale reach has to be one of the better areas since the enemies there have major varying model changes.
Story - The story isn't memorable at all, and combined with the progression is gets boring fast, nothing to keep you enticed aside from the occasional new area/dungeon.
Grind - You will spend a lot of time just trying to get everything passed level 100 in gathering/crafting skills.

There's a lot more that can be discussed, but the game definitely needs a touch up.
Posted 29 November, 2022.
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