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7 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I've been searching for a fun trading type game but this ain't it. The loop gets very repetitive very quickly. It's simply going to the market to buy/sell items then end the day and repeat. Once you get enough money you can upgrade your mount and caravan but I couldn't bring myself to even get that far. A few mini games would be nice so the game doesn't feel as monotonous. If you like the idea of mainly just buying/selling items then you may like it. I wanted a little more. Can't recommend at this time. Refunded for now.
Posted 16 January. Last edited 16 January.
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83.3 hrs on record (41.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
To start, I never played PoE 1. That being said, most ARPG fans will enjoy PoE 2.

The skill tree is much more in depth than the majority of ARPGs out there which allows for freedom to customize the classes. For newcomers to ARPGs, PoE 2 may seem like a little much at first and there may be some currency or gems that end up wasted. However, after a little trial and error it becomes very satisfying taking the chance to re-roll an item and get the exact stat I was hoping for. It's very important for players to pay close attention to gear buffs to be sure their chosen class keeps up with enemies.

The maps/environment are varied and look fantastic. Some do feel quite large but I haven't gotten to the point of it feeling like a slog. However, a feature allowing a player to fast travel to found checkpoints in a map could be helpful. PoE 2 does allow players to easily reset instances for farming purposes by using CTRL+LMB.

Combat feels great and is extremely responsive especially with the availability of a dodge roll with no stamina. I've only played monk so I can't speak for the other classes, but combat has felt fluid, fun and challenging. It's easy to spend at least 5-10 minutes figuring out what skill or skill gem would give my monk another good chunk of DPS to help for the next boss.

The story is engaging and doesn't seem to be an afterthought. However, if you're looking for stunning cinematics like in Diablo, you won't find that here.

A few cons:
- Maps feel a little too large at times.
- There seems to be some choppiness at times using ice strike as monk. I'll teleport a few times before reaching the enemy I'm trying to engage.
- It might be a skill issue but I find the chaos trials to be insanely difficult. Also, when starting a chaos trial the game becomes extremly laggy.
- Before crafting a duplicate skill gem, I wish there would be a notification if I already have one in my inventory

All in all, this game is fantastic and the devs are actively monitoring the community for changes. There are some difficult parts but I still find the challenge enjoyable (chaos trials excluded). I look forward to seeing how this game progresses. Highly recommend.
Posted 14 December, 2024.
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32.8 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
hard monkey game
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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29 people found this review helpful
89.9 hrs on record
Maybe worth $5
Posted 12 March, 2024.
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77.6 hrs on record (43.9 hrs at review time)
When the servers are working it's very fun killing bugs
Posted 21 February, 2024.
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71.7 hrs on record (68.5 hrs at review time)
"You've got a killer track. But every song's gotta end."

After 68.5 hours and 61 Steam achievements, I feel confident in saying that this is one HELL of a game and well worthy of the praise (97% positive on Steam as of this review). The decent story line is carried by engaging, addicting combat and an amazing soundtrack with some absolute bangers. At full price it's a solid buy, but it's an absolute must-have if it goes on sale.

Story 7/10
Gameplay 9/10
Graphics 9/10
Optimization 10/10 (2060 GPU; AMD Ryzen 5 3600x)
Posted 19 May, 2023. Last edited 19 May, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
191.9 hrs on record (75.3 hrs at review time)
This game is a masterpiece. The gameplay/combat is unforgiving yet extremely satisfying no matter the weapon you choose. The lore is a fantastic addition that helps connect with Zagreus and the other characters that you run across. It does a great job of keeping you coming back for more and more even after beating the main story. This is the epitome of a "one more run" game. I can't recommend this game highly enough.
Posted 12 November, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
168.0 hrs on record (166.0 hrs at review time)
I've uninstalled and reinstalled this game at least 3-4 times. The players are toxic, I keep getting shot through pinholes in the wall and I have bad aim. Highly recommend.
Posted 5 September, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
110.3 hrs on record (40.4 hrs at review time)
When my team wins:
95% skill, 5% luck

When opposing team wins:
-25% skill, 156% luck

Nice Shot!
Great Pass!
Posted 21 March, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
166.0 hrs on record (54.4 hrs at review time)
1) Get this game
2) Download GoT mod
3) Never leave home again
Posted 8 December, 2014.
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