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Évaluations récentes de Lynxies

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24.7 h en tout (8.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
More troops on screen at any moment than Space Marine 1, higher definition, more dynamic effects, Termagaunts climb on top of one another to scale walls, enemies are at appropriate strength for scale of the enemy, Termagaunts cut easily, Tyranid Warriors take a few more hits, Lictor is like an assassin monster you and your squad have to preemptively expect, the game is overall very enjoyable! It took me like 5.6 hours to beat the first level of the game, I would absolutely recommend this title!
Just don't get swarmed, I'm currently playing it on the Veteran difficulty and it is very enjoyable, the story is nice, there is great attention to detail, the Cherubs have wonderful quality, very grimdark scenario all around, multiple references to the omnissiah. Very fun multiplayer modes, the pvp is expected for a Space Marine title, each class has independent abilities like in a moba, might come out on Xbox Game Pass in the next 3 months, Darktide already has.

I hope this review finds you well, and God bless you all :D
- Lynxies
Évaluation publiée le 10 septembre 2024.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
349.4 h en tout (2.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Don't listen to everyone complaining like little wah wah baby men, this is a mans game, for mans men. Big strong raunchy sweaty strong muscular vein covered beard having lumber working men. This is all of ARK 1 remastered a beautiful composure of everything from vanilla Ark in beautiful graphics and remastered combat physics, never before can you shoot a bird out of the sky with a bow and it realistically fall to the earth, never before can you brutalize a Dilophosaurus and it fall backwards after two real good swings and it makes you feel really accomplished, never before can you hit a dodo once with a pickaxe, hear it cry and fall backwards and feel awful to yourself even more than before. Never before could you just sit in front of a campfire on low settings and see it look better than High setting ARK 1. This is a beautiful game I am looking forward to playing it more and more as my survival starts growing chest hairs on my body, you don't have to play it on Epic to enjoy it, ARK 1 needed a dang titan X to play on Epic and everyone is complaining they don't have the capacity to play it on Epic, yeah no crap man, its beautiful regardless even on low.
Évaluation publiée le 26 octobre 2023.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
16.4 h en tout (7.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Got eaten by a spider 10 minutes in, would recommend to people with Arachnophobia. :)
Évaluation publiée le 3 novembre 2020.
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125.5 h en tout (22.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Collie go boom
Évaluation publiée le 28 aout 2020.
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730.2 h en tout (682.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Zombie go bang, would again.
Évaluation publiée le 9 mars 2020.
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34.3 h en tout (25.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
pew pew
Évaluation publiée le 4 juillet 2019.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
593.8 h en tout (74.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Ark: Survival Evolved is a really good game when it comes to being like rust with dinosaurs I would reccomend this game to everyone that wants a good dinosaur survival game.
Évaluation publiée le 3 juillet 2015.
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23.8 h en tout (2.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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I really like the game I think that this game is a really good alien,underwater survival game
Évaluation publiée le 8 juin 2015.
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1,648.1 h en tout (1,297.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It is a hat game?: Yes.
Is it a good hat game?: Yes.
Does it have Micro-transactions? Mostly for cosmetics.
Is it so bonkers that it just makes too much sense for a video game? Yes.

To Be Frank as well as honest: I have now put 1,515 hours into this game and can say whole-heartedly there is not a second not to be enjoyed when you play on the right servers not to mention Casual seems fixed and I have yet to run into one script kitty or cheater or Ddosser I don't know if it's blind luck or Valve kicked up their game x10 but it's much more enjoyable, there are Micro-Transactions in the Mann-Co store but don't let that dissuade you from Team Fortress 2, 95% of Purchases from the Mann-Co Store are Cosmetic, I recommend you buy keys from there if you wish to start trading.. Another feature popular in Team Fortress 2!

There are nine classes in the game, in this order from 1-9 on the select menu:
Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy each with their own quirks which make them interesting,

Scout: 125 HP :The Scout is a versatile speedy goober with one of the lowest health pools in the game, but his Scattergun is deadly in close combat if you choose your fights wisely and his pistol isn't afraid to back him up in a long range duel while he closes in on the enemy Mercenary.
Scout requires effort to learn his movement properly and understand your positioning; truly it is never a sad day learning movement on scout nor his many Side-grades away from stock which give the benefits of new strategies you can creatively come up with.

( Not to say Stock isn't good, Stock provides the most balanced feeling on Every Class and the sideclasses are all useful in the right sense)

Soldier 200 Hp The Soldierrocket launcher which he can use to blast around the map, blast enemies from off the map, or blast the map itself, he like every class is packed full of sideclasses to play, from Trolldier whose whole role is to blast jump into the enemy with Manntreads and Market Gardener just to Critical Strike their existence back to the Neolithic.

Pyro 150 hp: The Pyro is the genderless feelingless yet full of feeling Creature we all love who is stuck in a weird dystopian baby universe where he sees the death of his enemies as merely giving Candy-canes and Suckers to the mercenaries all dressed up in diapers and then using his bubble blower to light everyone on fire in the real world, his sidegrades include a Jetpack, or the sucker which could put a hole in the space time continuum if it weren't for Pyrovision goggles.

Demoman 175 HP : Demoman is the best Drunk Scottish Cyclops the seven seas of Hennessy ever darn seen, he can miss his pipe grenades and still dunk one on the enemy team just from his cool factor alone. In all seriousness he is a class who is struck blind in one eye, drunk all the time and only has projectiles, but if you land a hit it does catastrophic damage! If you ever get tired of the projectiles just pull out your literal Gladiator Cosplay from the movie Troy and Leroy Jenkins yourself at the enemy.

Heavy 300 HP: Heavy is fat and Russian and he's a big Family Man who seems stupid but he's smart, and very intelligence, he can do the math from memory that causes bullets to fly from his Minigun: which isn't very common knowledge to think of when 26 bullets come flying at you faster than you can recite the English ABCs or Elon Musk can land on the Moon. He is the cosmonaut who gives people sandviches and jumps around corners just to beat some sense in you with his fists; his Sidegrades are versatile in defensive and also offensive capabilities.

Engineer 125 HP: Engineer is neither here nor there he Teleports his team around all day like it's baking bread, he makes it look so simple when he smacks those contraptions with a wrench all day, he doesn't even have to tighten bolts, he smacks metal all day and then saves your life Hip Hip Hooray for our Texan who is the whole reason why you saved that cart from being pushed up hill or holding that Control Point at 4 seconds left while 3 scouts are swarming the point.
If you don't want to be supportive, you can equip a gun which converts the blood of your enemies into literal Metal, so you can build buildings off of them not to mention the name of the gun is "WidowMaker" Engineer is anything but foolish, he gets supplies where they need to go with a sense of Poetic Texan Justice.

Medic 125 HP: Medic is your best friend in 99% of situations the other 1% is when he's on the enemy team. is the end all to meet all ends and the winner of the best healer you could ever ask for award, never does a healer throw themselves into so much total nonsensical-garbage just to Uber the guy who doesn't know what he's doing that runs at the Enemy Sentry gun with his Fists Out. I haven't mentioned Team Fortress 2's other gamemodes yet but he's the whole and only reason why Robot Pipe Grenades don't blow up everything you've ever loved including last years Christmas Festival where Grandma made that real good Gravy. You can thank him for his ability to revive people back from the dead in that Game-Mode or literally raise a shield which blocks and zaps all projectiles. Medics along with Heavies, Engineers, Soldiers, and the support sidegrade of every other class make up the backbone of teams, but even these supportive classes wouldn't stay alive long against the enemy Mercenaries without our German Doctor who likes VienerSnitchil and a good time. His Side Grades make him versatile in even Combat Situation ( Just don't go charging a Sentry without your friendly neighborhood Explosive Class or your Russian Comrade)

Sniper 125 hp :Sniper Pees in jars for a living but don't let that fool you, he'll shoot a bottle while you're drinking it and you'll be double blind for the rest of your life and will sit in one place for a shot for upwards of E105.3...^2+ feet for who knows how many hours just to hit you across the map as you leave spawn and then taunt, he's a cool class to play if you got a good eye on you, and a reactive Eagle Like reaction time, Snipers headshots have the capability to change the outcome of whole games, for better or for worse if the shot is landed or not. He's also Australian or is he.. ADOPTED? His health is also equivalent to Scout , Medic, and Spy without items

Spy 125 HP: Spy is French and also Scouts Secret Father who not only forgot to get the milk, works alongside his Son sipping glasses of wine and teaching people how to Seduce him, he is a baguette lover, a knife wielder and can literally dissipate your entire existence with this combined secret spy Code : Mouse 2 W Mouse 1 450 damage: It is only common sense to spies as they speak a secret language known as French. Spy can steal the faces of his enemies to trick other enemies into seeing a 20 second loading timer, he's nothing to be messed with lightly but his health is equivalent to the Scout at 125

Would I say I recommend anybody pick up this game? Yes, would I recommend you play it even for only a minute? Yes. The game needs a good chance, even if it is Nostalgic.

Give it a try, I haven't mentioned everything but this game has more character than most low budget movies or many triple AAA games.
Évaluation publiée le 24 novembre 2014. Dernière modification le 30 juillet 2023.
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