Πρόσφατες κριτικές από τον TheAngryFish

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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
6.8 ώρες συνολικά
I wanted to like this game i really did the story and setting are interesting and there are alot of interesting gameplay mechanics but the Combat is so bad that i ended up uninstalling the game part way through as it was just so monotonous to even take part in the combat and right when you think you have an area figured out random higher level mini bosses show up. If you do have this game just do the story mode as the "normal" setting i had on was not a pleasant experience.
Αναρτήθηκε 3 Ιανουαρίου 2020.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
66.2 ώρες συνολικά (7.7 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
From the amount i have played i have enjoyed it.
-Beautiful locations
-Interesting people and factions
-TONs of lore
-Lots of gear customization
-voice acting is good
-world feels lived in
-DECISIONS THAT MATTER (Holy ♥♥♥♥ is that a +)
Only negatives i have to say it the facial animations are like 10 years old and very limited character customization but i hate spending forever on that anyways.

Overall great game and if you liked dragon age this is a must buy.
Αναρτήθηκε 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
16.2 ώρες συνολικά (4.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
I mean at this point most everyone has played the game and knows it is great.
If you haven't played this game you are wrong.
Αναρτήθηκε 30 Ιουνίου 2019.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
33.2 ώρες συνολικά (6.7 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
(New review)
Idk if was me getting farther in the game made it better or if the patches they put out actually help with the balancing alittle but i have enjoyed that game after letting 2 patches roll around. My heros aren't useless anymore, i have finally gotten to see more of the gear and i got to play as humans again which i am still on the fence about some of the changes they made to the army but i digress. The game is fun now, if you are angry with it at first push through a mission or 2 and it will get better.

(Old review)
Let it be known that once they fix the problems i will redo this review but for the time being i can not recommend this standalone DLC.
Rather than bringing over the updates and tweaks they made to base Spellforce 3 they decided to completely redo just about everything from gear attributes, health, damage, skills,etc.
These changes would be fine if they were properly balanced but this was not the case hence my tank getting 2 shotted by an enemies generic hero class not even a boss.
They also did away with the plentiful characters that accompany you along the way which i really enjoyed in the base game and was in fact sad i couldn’t bring more than 4 companions. Instead they give you a Mercenary system which is supposed to help with the Co-op of the game which i get but those characters are given really generic voice lines and are in the end super uninteresting.
The races are alot different from what we are used to which is somewhat nice and i quite enjoy the Dwarves but the night elves are quite painful to play.
In the end i want this to become a game worthy of a recommendation but as of right now i can not and the only thing keeping me from telling people not to bother is the cheap price.
Αναρτήθηκε 29 Μαΐου 2019. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 8 Ιουλίου 2019.
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2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
14.1 ώρες συνολικά
Game wasn't that great it is Far Cry 5.5 same basically everything the same as 5 but beat up. Story was mah, assets were copy and paste, enemies are bullet sponges. The biggest problem was the end the last mission i gave up it is the stupidest boss fight i have seen in a game for a long time in every way.
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Μαΐου 2019.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
67.2 ώρες συνολικά (47.7 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
This game is not for everyone.
It looks great, has interesting combat and the story keeps you interested.
All that said the combat does get alittle repetative but that happens when the game has 100+ hours of content to play.
Also Waifus
Αναρτήθηκε 21 Νοεμβρίου 2018. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 21 Νοεμβρίου 2018.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
4.2 ώρες συνολικά (3.8 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
For now I can't recommend this game due to the network issues it has. Out of the time i have "Played" this game only about 15 mins was actually game play. Youtubers have been paid off and given special treatment to get in game so do not listen to them.
There is promise in this game so when they fix the issues i will gladly change this review.

(after thoughts) At this point this game sure as ♥♥♥♥ haven't fixed the main issues like inability to get into a game, this was made by a developer who isn't know for their multiplayer or their modern combat games so idk why you would ever think of getting this game. I had high hopes and they were crushed. This developer needs to just give up and let someone who will not be corrupted compete with other modern games they have time and time again proved they are ♥♥♥♥ at EVERYTHING.
Αναρτήθηκε 21 Οκτωβρίου 2018. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 5 Ιουνίου 2022.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
32.6 ώρες συνολικά (12.5 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
You get a puppy 10/10
Αναρτήθηκε 22 Ιανουαρίου 2018.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
32 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
0.6 ώρες συνολικά
I did not have to play this game long to dislike it.
Raid WW2 is literally a reskin of Pay Day 2 with some of the maps being ported and everything. When you are detected the enemy will swarm you with no end in sight.
The gunplay is clunky, gaphics slightly better than COD3, and AI worse than a bunch of 5 yearolds running around with pellit guns.
So if you hated what Pay Day 2 turned into like most people then you will despise this game even more.
Αναρτήθηκε 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
18 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
6 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
0.3 ώρες συνολικά
Well i have only played 3 matches of this game and the only playerbase was me and my buddy but i was crying of laughter the whole time 10/10 for a game that probably put more time into showing off the butts of the females than into anything else.
Αναρτήθηκε 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
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Εμφάνιση 21-30 από 31 καταχωρίσεις