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投稿日: 2020年2月27日 12時38分
更新日: 2020年3月10日 15時38分

Nothing like the feeling of struggling to stay in Nova for 4 years only to carry your friend through his 10 matches and have him place Nova 2. Only you CSGO. Only you...

Going f2p ruined matchmaking (yes, prime too). One game you stomp the other team 16-0, and the next you're up against silver kennyS with his 10 year coin and empty inventory. Valve please fix your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ELO and trust system and make a real ♥♥♥♥♥♥ anti-cheat to make this ♥♥♥♥ playable when I'm sober and not just drunk off my ass on a Friday night.

TLDR: If you want to suffer the pain of getting trashed by blatant cheaters followed by dunking on new players the next match every session, this game is for you.
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1 件のコメント
Sev 2020年2月27日 15時24分 
B r u h