:steamsalty: Who cares :steamsalty:
Screenshot Showcase
The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt
Review Showcase
100 Hours played
After waiting a few months, playing the game and then uninstalling three times now, I had to post a review. I think this game has potential but has somehow become less fun than when it first released. Below is a post I made on the game director's latest post to the steam community page:

Problem: You have 4 tanks, 6 gunships, 12 devastators, 30 fodder enemies, 6 rocket walkers and 2 hulks and only 4 stratagem slots.

Attempting a solution: Use your 2 orbital/hanger stratagems to take out the 2 hulks first (oh wait, damage model is broken, expect 1 to still be standing). Now you have to wait 5 minutes for those to come back. Okay, 2 stratagems left, already have used a shield pack that breaks immediately to gunships, so I guess I'll get out my expendable rocket launcher to take out 2 of those gunships. Alright, now I have to wait a minute, I'm all out of resources to destroy medium- heavy armoured enemies and they just called reinforcements. Guess I'll just go **** myself then...

For real just make a backpack slot for the pack stratagems, it's a waste of a stratagem slot, especially when the devs say "This is very much intentional, you need to rely on your Stratagems, and the Stratagems of your team to deal with all the enemies effectively." Half these stratagems are useless to your enemy damage model and not everyone WANTS to play the game relying on meta stratagems. Give us more slots of decrease the cool downs. Experiment with SOMETHING.

And please, the enemy bodies that block paths and objectives make me want to shoot myself, if you really want to improve performance, just make the enemies disappear, explode, something that gets them off my screen, I killed them and don't need a corpse to prove it.

And I can't see a fix for the rag doll model, being taken out of control of your character is frustrating at it's core. Just remove it or give the heavy armoured players a heavy resistance to it. At least this will give some noticeable variation between the armour classed beyond speed/stamina.

Overall, remember this is a video game, make it fun, lean into those arcade elements more than the realistic ones. If I wanted a realistic mil sim I wouldn't be playing a space game. Look to doom for reference on how to make weapons effective for specific situations.
Favorite Guide
Created by - Snusman
Ladies and Gentlemen, today I will share with you the breadth of my knowledge on the best way to car in the game 'NIGHT-RUNNERS PROLOGUE'. Please start your engine and flash your headlights! (This is a reference to the gameplay of the game, informing you t
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