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Yayınlanma: 7 Haz 2023 @ 12:51

What is NOT to love about this game? Plenty of banger courses, a steady stream of cheap DLC, and works great for a VR Game! Some courses are less my cup of tea than others, but they're all great. It has its quirks, but for the most part, the smoothest running VR Game I have in my collection. I will always return to this when I'm feeling chill. For the price of a AAA game (At the time of writing, about $50 for everything), you can pick this game up WITH ALL OF THE DLC. You also don't need the DLC if you have a friend WITH the DLC! Isn't that great? You don't have to leave your friends behind with DLC. It's a great way to preview DLC as well

If this isn't in your VR Collection (and you kinda sorta like mini golf), what are you doing!? Pick this up already!
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