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Скорошни рецензии на El Donte

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50.7 изиграни часа (24.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Rampaging through outposts on an elephant while shooting a machine gun

10/10 GOTY it's okay
Публикувана 12 декември 2014.
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10.8 изиграни часа
You've got a friend in me
When times get tough you'll see
We've been together for so long
When I'm weak you make me strong
I know I can depend on you
To show the way and see me through!
Friends through eternity
We'll stay together through thick or thin
Friends forever, we'll be together
We're on top, cause we play to win!
Публикувана 6 декември 2014.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.3 изиграни часа (0.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Bought it at 2.50 at Desura. Played it and got really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stressed and scared in a way I have not before and I've played a fair share of legitimately spooky games. Something about how stressful it is really gets to me. Fun game though, cool concept and gameplay that is unique. If you like horror games and want to play a game that somehow pulls jump scares smart which is almost impossible then this game is for you. Beware the tension and stress though.


YOU'RE A G-GENUINE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Публикувана 21 август 2014. Последно редактирана 21 август 2014.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
31.5 изиграни часа (14.7 часа по време на рецензията)
This is the 2014th Magic game in the Magic series of games. Magic is now a arena based shooter MOBA card game RTS fighting game with great depth.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry.
Публикувана 26 юли 2014.
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10 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
5 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
36.7 изиграни часа (19.4 часа по време на рецензията)
very gud gaem hasn't aged badly at all.

I give it sam fisher out of Splinter Cell
Публикувана 21 юли 2014.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.9 изиграни часа
Aged reaaaalllly badly. I stopped within the middle from boredom. I hear Chaos Theory is still amazing and one of the best stealth games so I'm just skipping to that.
Публикувана 9 юли 2014.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
27.2 изиграни часа (18.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Other than like one or two forced action sequences this is a really good stealth game. Went through on hard and avoided the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ marking mechanic. I think stealth should be forced to be honest like the others but it's whatever it was a fun time other than the few forced action sequences like a certain subway level.
Публикувана 9 юли 2014.
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5 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
75.6 изиграни часа (6.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Публикувана 24 април 2014.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
2.4 изиграни часа (1.0 часа по време на рецензията)
One of the best games I've played since Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavy Rain. Truly a masterpiece.
Публикувана 19 март 2014.
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17 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
21.5 изиграни часа
Do you want a game with worse gunplay and plasmid uses than the other two Bioshock games? Do you want an ending that trys to be deep just to be deep? Do you want worse plasmids than Bioshock? Do you want what looks like a big boss enemy actually not be a cool fight after all after he is instantly killed at the end? If you want a pretentious crap ending with worse gameplay and the only thing going for it is the cool setting then look no further than Bioshock Infinite.

This game had so much potential it's a shame.
Публикувана 3 декември 2013.
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