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I've seen some people praising this dlc and likening it to the Phantom Liberty dlc for cyberpunk and after recently playing Phantom Liberty felt I should come back and clear something up.

This dlc is not as good as Phantom Liberty, Blood and Wine takes Phantom Liberty into some shady back alley to have it's way with it then leaves it in a mess of various fluids to not even call it afterwards. In other words Phantom Liberty is a decent dlc but Blood and Wine is a whole other level, a level that really makes you wonder just how much content a dlc could and should have, while having the gall to ask for only 20 dollars for it (ofc going on sale for way less even).

It can be a rare thing for a dlc to not feel like simply gouging a playerbase, an even rarer thing for the quality of it to mirror (maybe even surpass) the base game, and almost unheard of for it to be fairly priced. This is peak CD Projekt Red, simple as
Közzétéve: október 17.
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I've played a fair bit of the dlc (main story and side stuff included) and gotta say, while I think it kinda skirts the line a bit it is overall worth the price tag of half the base game. Don't get me wrong, the quality of the dlc (ranging from cutscenes, world design, missions, and characters) are a step up from the base game but there really isn't all that much to it. It's to be expected, having a single "block" of a city compared to an entire city and it's surrounding wasteland, things are going to feel pretty cramped.

Not sure how I feel about the side activities of vehicle snatching and straight up cargo drops that feel ripped from pretty much every open world game, don't feel like the (incredibly small) new relic perk tree is engaging or does that much to shake up a build, I've noticed some glitchs and bugs solely in the dlc area as if back to the square one of the base game launch, somebody still forgot to give Keannu Reeves a red bull or something before he read his lines, and the cleverly hidden load screen between dogtown and the rest of NC gets old fast (especially taking the aforementioned car jacking into account) tho.

That being said there is still preem content here, just a little iffy about the amount for it's price and doing my hardest to not compare this to the blood and wine dlc from The Witcher
Közzétéve: október 12.
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65.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (47.2 óra az értékeléskor)
I got this game during the last sale and binged it for a few days, have beaten it once while doing a hefty amount of side content (now working on the rest, then I'll shoot for some of the endings) and overall think it's a pretty good game. After the launch I was squarely in the "lol, lmao" club of how hard of a flop this game was/ downright betrayal of trust from CD Projekt red and while I think that launch should always be a stain on their reputation as devs it's nice that over the years they've put in effort to making it a worthwhile experience instead of taking the money and running.

Think it's a solid 8/10, hearing "I really want to stay at your house" randomly while running around always makes my good mood do a 180
Közzétéve: október 7.
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People seemingly only woke up to CA's price gouging nonsense with shadows of change, because this DLC is absurd.

4 factions for Warriors of Chaos, and each of them is "No son, we have Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch/Slaanesh at home". If you want to go rampaging around as Khorne you're always better off simply playing Skarbrand instead of making do with Valkia's gimped mechanics taped onto the warriors of chaos and so on. On the other hand if you want to play Warriors of Chaos you're better off forgoing the aforementioned taped on mechanics and sticking with either Arcahon or Belakor, which allow access to all WOC factions. Sure, the new lords themselves are absolutely busted on the battlefield but if I had a nickel for each time that could be said about a LL in this game I'd have enough money to cover the cost of this dlc

For the other part of the dlc we have a heaping slew of pretty patty units (no see, this Marauder is a new unit because it's red!) Dubious effort in models aside there's also the issue of what "holes in the roster" these units are filling. When am I ever going to feel pressured to recruit a Marauder of Khorne (Dual weapons) over just a bloodletter, or a Chaos Knight of Slaanesh over Hellstriders? You can argue these units are like salt and pepper, just extra spice to make a roster more filling but imo maybe about 70% of them are utterly superfluous. The other 30% funnily enough fill in a "hole" of a roster just a little too well. Sure I can play smart as Tzeentch and keep cycling my flimsy units with barriers, or I can just have a nigh unbreakable wall of Chosen of Tzeentch. I could make the most out of constantly flanking on all sides with Demonetts as Slaanesh, or I could have a Nigh unbreakable wall of Chosen of Slaanesh. In other words either a unit is pointless to ever recruit, be it in a monogod or general chaos faction, or a unit is so good you have to use self imposed limits to not just completely override whatever original gameplay style a faction had (but hey, when is that not the case for dlc units amirite)

Oh and as a side note this dlc adds the ability to transform human lords into demon princes once they reach level 15. Dubious lore implications of demon princes just popping out of the woodworks aside I'm drawing blanks on how much of a exciting new feature sidegrading my lord into a different type of lord is compared to the old and boring mechanic of...sidegrading my lord into a different type of lord (herald of Khorne>Exalted bloodthrister and so on)

It's middling quality of content at best for "premium" prices, do not buy at full price and do some soul searching or something before buying it even at half price (like I did)
Közzétéve: augusztus 30.
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I curse Ulysses, he beared all over my bulls
Közzétéve: augusztus 21.
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0.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (0.1 óra az értékeléskor)
CA-" Don't you understand? I came here to use you...to USE YOU! From the day I first set foot on steam I fed you ♥♥♥♥. I. Fed. You. ♥♥♥♥"

But nah this is from back when CA was somewhat respectable and the game is good, played it a fair bit off of steam.
Közzétéve: július 9.
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334.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (103.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Oh boy, where to start? Well how about a tl;dr version, it's okay***** and you can keep reading for each and everyone of those artistes.

Some background information, I'm a "kinda" fan of both total war and Warhammer. I played a few total war games here and there (med 2, empire, Rome 2) and Warhammer was something I always looked at with passing interest.
Then I saw some image of a dino dude riding an ever bigger dinosaur and the next thing I knew I had over 1k hours in wh2 and unlocked all the achievements. Then WH3 comes along with it's launch and well...I decided to wait, and proceeded to do that for 2 whole years as CA shoved their head further and further into their ass with each questionable decision.
The last round of dlc and patches for the empire and dwarfs was enough to convince me to at least give the game a shot (at half price ofc), without any WH3 dlc (It's going to take a hefty sale before I consider any of it, and that ship as long since passed for Shadows of Change which I'm never getting out of pure spite). But hey in the words of Tony Soprano let's skip the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ preamble already.

In my 40 hours (at the time of actually writing this review) I've beaten an empire and dwarf campaign while dipping my toes in a Lizard campaign(still suck) and High elf campaign and gotta say I had a pretty decent time for most of it. The rework for both the Empire and Dwarfs is great stuff, and the table scraps of dlc content I managed to sneak from confederating lords seems neat as well, while the plethora of general updates are also welcome.
I like fusing equipment, I like the new UI, I like the separation of battle difficulty and AI combat modifiers, I tolerate the sieges, and I like the various buffs and tweaks to (some) factions. Here's the kicker tho, notice how so far I haven't mentioned any wh3 specific content?

So this is where I level, I don't care about Kislev, Ogres, the monogod specific factions, build a bear demon faction, hella expensive evil dwarfs, and I DEFINITELY do not care about Cathay. All of the stuff I care about in WH3 is stuff that could just have easily been added in WH1 or WH2, and that's the sad truth about these games. It almost feels like paying a subscription fee for content I do care about, and that's what ultimately broke me into getting this game (again, notice how I didn't say ♥♥♥♥ about the Nurgle part of the dlc?).
This is where I think a lot of the hesitation for newer players comes from, wondering just how much of this 300+ dollar package they "need" to enjoy the game. Say some poor sod says "ate elves, ate lizards, ate ogres, love me dawi simple as" and proceeds to only buy Wh1. Well now they're stuck playing some woefully outdated and boring version of the faction they care about and they need to buy this separate 60 dollar game in order to have access to the "good" version of the faction they care about. In short the way this trilogy is set up feels like holding a gun to my head to keep playing the factions I like. I guess it's a pipe dream to want any of these updates to sneak their way back into the first two games, and I'm sure CA has a whole paper ready for how "it's just like, not possible man, the engine is like way different dude with the code and stuff man" because tbh if they did I wouldn't have bought this game lol.
Oh and side complaint, this also extends to mods. A lot of authors simply don't care to keep updating mods for the older games, and some have even been removed and are only available for wh3 seemingly because of some update that broke the mod and they can't be assed to fix it (Tomb kings extended shout out right here)

But let's get back to a more technical level rather than personal preference, because there's plenty of edgey chaos fans out there who can finally "just let that beast in me out dawg, I just see red when my dad grounds me" or whatever Khorne fans say. This game really fights you every step of the way for trying to like it, and not just because of the somewhat frequent crashes I've been getting forcing me to do battles/ turns over again. Unit pathing can be total garbage (which is doubly apparent on the shiny new cool siege maps, which the AI just can not comprehend), the AI on the campaign map is a mix of a total wuss and bully (they'll run away from any army you have on the field, while also using their dying breath while getting beat up by some other AI faction to declare war on you so they can raze an unguarded settlement), units take forever to respond to your orders (or straight up don't, somehow the community has gaslight themselves into thinking it's acceptable to have to click 30 times to get a cavalry unit to disengage), there are constant issues with the geography of maps where units just get stuck on invisible walls for the rest of the battle, some maps are straight up broken, there's a nasty habit where abilities or techs just don't actually do what they say they'll do, and all of of these things are patched at a pretty glacial pace. In other words this game constantly falls on it's face as a competent strategy game and sometimes just fails to be a working game at all and is hard carried by the jingling keys of crack cocaine Warhammer nonsense, but man do those keys jingle jangle jingle teehee.

So yeah, if you can look past all of the ass showing CA has done since this game launched you can get this game and if you enjoyed wh2 you'll probably enjoy yourself (the same way if they had just, y'know, updated wh2). This just also comes with the caveat that people who assumed there'd be a lot of life in this game left should probably just make sure they like what content the game offers as of now instead of banking of any (potentially scrapped) future dlc. CA is a dogwater company but they can make a decent game, in a niche where they're almost utterly unchallenged. IMO you're a fool if you buy any of this stuff at full price tho
Közzétéve: június 22.
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Somehow this is the highest rated (but not most selling) campaign pack for this game and I just gotta ask what the hell you people are smoking.

A zoomed in map of Italy, Spain, and western Africa (because ♥♥♥♥ the conflict in Illyria or Greece that was also going on at this time I guess) but not to the worthwhile and meaningfully changing degree of rise of the republic.

A scrambled and nonsensical tech tree where it feels like half of them are utterly pointless, some of then having the gall to ask you for money so you can gain relations with factions that started off as your client state anyway.

A sandbox experience that fails to recreate the desperate and bloody struggle of the second Punic war. I saw Hannibal once in Hispania, certainly nowhere near the alps or Italy, and booty cheek clapped his army and never saw him again (pretty sure he's immortal?)

2 historical battles, both of which you simply can't go about playing/ winning in historical ways, that you're going to play once to get a gold star and never touch again be honest.

Some minor factions unlocked on the grand campaign (Syracuse and the Spanish tribes)

All the other campaign packs I say are kinda worth it for their on sale price of 8 bucks, not even sure if I can say that here.

Közzétéve: április 2.
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None of these campaign packs really justify the 17 dollar price tag but imo this is the one that comes closest. I've only completed one campaign as Rome but have dipped my toes into a few other factions and it seems this is where the most effort to making them play distinctly from one another went.

Speaking of Rome this is easily them at their weakest, and I say this as a good thing. The real classic army of Hastati, principes, and Triarii are at the very end of one of the tech trees and if you're anything like me that means it's quite possible you'll actually achieve campaign victory before even unlocking them. I had a decent enough time conquering central/ northern Italy with light hoplites/ native units before getting my teeth thoroughly kicked in by proper hoplites and peltasts in southern Italy and the centuari fared only slightly better. In other words as Rome your units are pretty trash and you either gotta stack bonuses from exp rank, techs, perks or really go big brain mode, and that was a welcome change up from "I brought Principes/ legionnaires, therefor I win"

This doesn't come with any factions unlocked on the standard campaign (guess the etruscan league would have been the only possible one) which is a bit of a bummer but as it's own campaign I feel it does enough to shake up the rome 2 expirience to justify it's price...when it's on sale for about 8 bucks lol
Közzétéve: március 25.
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What happened to Aurelian was and always will be one of the greatest tragedies of history, here I can live the fantasy where the bros just let him cook
Közzétéve: március 15.
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