Talilover 17. aug. kl. 18.50 
Diabolical 17. aug. kl. 18.49 
Yikes, you're delusional. I already got you community banned once, it's not like igaf about you or anything. You're just a nuisance in the forums I frequent, though at least you vacated the Mass Effect forum. If you get in my way with your usual drivel responses, expect me to eradicate you from the Warhammer hub as well.
Talilover 17. aug. kl. 18.46 
Man I've never really been one for breaking hearts but whatever you think we have champ we just don't.

I guess I made you mad a whole ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YEAR ago and you still haven't gotten over it, and truth be told I really don't even think I was all that mean. I'm flattered that you've been thinking me since then but I can't say the same on my end.

People talk ♥♥♥♥ online here and there, flings if you will, but you were never really special to me :steamsad:
Diabolical 4. aug. kl. 14.29 
Oh, do you not remember our conversations on the Mass Effect hub? We've had a lot of differences in the past, Talilover. We even had a conversation on your very profile just over a year ago. Check your previous pages :UnholyEye:. Anyhow, I harbor little ill will against you, as I've seen much worse than you in the forums since last year. I now know you were one of the better ones, even though you were a troll who derailed almost every topic you partook in.

But on the topic, I will agree with your assessment of the WH3 forum. It's 80% shills and 20% haters, I myself tend towards the hater group. CA is such an abomination of a developer, I hate them with a passion. However, WH3 is decent and has potential. I think I'll start a new campaign soon, been a while since I played that game. Oh and, I obviously own the game, dummy. I just own it on another account and play it through family share, so it doesn't show up as me owning it on this account.
Talilover 4. aug. kl. 14.23 
man what did I even do to you : /

But I mean I guess? WH3 hub, and really the steam community as a whole for the most part, is a bit of a cesspool I really shouldn't interact with but I get bored so what can you do?

WH3 specifically has two camps of dedicated sloppy toppy givers for CA and people who act like a CA employee killed their dog and ♥♥♥♥ on their carpet and I guess I like being somewhere in the middle, which has the added benefit of making both camps mad. Question is why are you in there? I notice you don't even own the game lol
Diabolical 4. aug. kl. 14.10 
I see. I will say, the Mass Effect hub has been plagued by low tier trolls ever since you left, it's not quite the same as when you, a mid tier troll, were cruising around there. On the other hand, I see the WH3 forum is not lacking in every tier of troll and baiter. Probably why you've made your new home there.
Talilover 4. aug. kl. 14.04 
Here and there I pop in to the community hub of any game I'm currently playing to see what people are talking about, which as of now is wh3.
Diabolical 4. aug. kl. 11.57 
Lmfao. Still the same goof, I see. So, tell me, how come you're on the Warhammer hub now?
Talilover 4. aug. kl. 11.37 
um, hi?
Diabolical 4. aug. kl. 10.11 
Well well, if it isn't Talilover, the Destroy fanboy with the Tali body pillow. Good to see you quit the Mass Effect hub and migrated to the Warhammer hub, though TWW3's DLC has been dogwater for the past 2 years.
Talilover 3. des. 2023 kl. 14.33 
Yeah I'm aware of the mod community as not a single model in the game other than common infected are Vanilla, but that doesn't mean I use cheat mods because "owie da game 2 hard waaaaa" and spawn stuff in. Weird that you wanna throw "oh you just haven't played long enough" when evidently with my lower playtime I'm still better than you, oh woe is you.

But triggered? Nah, coming to a steam profile to wahwahboohoo about being laughed at in a game is triggered. Hey, did you subscribe to the thread to know I said something or did you just come back and check all by yourself?

By all means though, keep imitating me because you can't throw your own shade for ♥♥♥♥. It's really flattering :broflex:
Jim 3. des. 2023 kl. 10.17 
lol what? left 4 dead 2 has an active mod community, which valve still continues to support to this day. if you played as much as i have, modding prolongs my interest in the game. i don't think you have played long enough in this game to understand that.

the only reason i am here is because you are the first player who has ever flamed me for utilizing mod content. imagine getting triggered about mods for a game that fully supports it.

do some soul searching/git gud, you'll feel better in the long run champ.
Talilover 2. des. 2023 kl. 19.57 

Don't get all sensitive because me and another dude threw a survival match because you cheated, and don't come tracking me down because you don't like being made fun of for cheating.

This says something though, that you'd come here and grovel shows some part of you IS indeed ashamed that you cheat at games. Do some soul searching/ git gud, you'll feel better in the long run champ
Jim 2. des. 2023 kl. 17.39 
i was wondering where we have met before. we cleared a survival match together. for future reference, please don't throw survival games just because you didn't like what was being hosted. you could have left the game but you decided to purposely throw the match, and proceed to flame me prior to leaving.

with all that being said, enjoy the rest of your evening.
Talilover 18. sep. 2023 kl. 15.29 
Yes you can get banned from any steam discussion forum, and it's up to the complete discretion of their respective moderators for reasons and duration (my civ 5 ban is permanent while other bans have been like a day in other forums as an example). Not sure what you mean by "ban only for cheating or illegal 3rd party" but the ban means I can't partake in any discussions in the civ 5 forum, I'm still able to play the game whenever I wish
EdhyRa 18. sep. 2023 kl. 14.42 
Damn, Idk you could get banned from discussion forum. Is that ban only for cheating or illegal 3rd-party? Thx for replying, man. It's a whole new experience tbh.
Talilover 17. sep. 2023 kl. 22.14 
There was a discussion about civ 5 not going on sale during that recent strategy game sale while civ 6 did, it quickly became an echo chamber of "civ 5 good civ 6 bad" with acting like civ 5 never goes on sale because it's the gem of Firaxis games and they know they could sell it for full price whenever they want.

I chimed in with (haven't you people ever heard of?) a question on what they hell they were talking about because civ 5 regularly goes on sale for like 5 dollars, and what "suck off delusions" was leading them to act otherwise (which I imagine the term "suck off" was enough to warrant the ban, despite seeing far more direct/ crasser things levied at people on that forum).

Fun tidbit this also lead to a community wide ban which I contested and was repealed because it was deemed "excessive", but that I'd have to try and appeal the game specific ban with the moderators of that forum (which I didn't even care to bother with, if that's how they operate)
EdhyRa 17. sep. 2023 kl. 21.29 
Hello, just a bit curious, why you got banned in civ 5?
PaulKrawitz 25. aug. 2023 kl. 14.01 
Talilover 25. aug. 2023 kl. 12.31 
PaulKrawitz 25. aug. 2023 kl. 1.30 
Oh, I do a lot more than just observing nuts... 😏
Talilover 25. aug. 2023 kl. 1.14 
observe deez nutz
PaulKrawitz 25. aug. 2023 kl. 1.09 
Oh, I'm no one... I'm simply an... observer. 🙂
Talilover 25. aug. 2023 kl. 0.35 
I dunno even know who you are
PaulKrawitz 24. aug. 2023 kl. 23.43 
I'm just over here in my corner enjoying the show. 😁🍿

I kinda like the fact that you speak the bottom of the wheel. 😆
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.46 
...see now I don't think you know what ad hominem means, maybe go other those notes before the test big guy?

But surely if I was just a little pest you wouldn't give me the time of day tho right? Stop being such a lil tsundere baka~~~
Diabolical 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.42 
Lol, I'm seeking you out because you're mentioning me on random threads on the MELE discussion hub. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Come now, don't make me laugh.

You need to learn to differentiate between ad hominem and attacking ideas. What I did on my thread debunking the destroy theory was attack the idiotic notion that the destroy ending will be canon, by providing solid counterpoints. What you did was make random, off-topic remarks and personal attacks, which are a big no-no on Steam topics. And yes, I do think anyone who advocates for destroy to be made canon is a moron and a waste of oxygen, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, I think you're back to being your usual clown self, delusional and overestimating your lackluster ability to troll on the internet. I'll leave you to wallow in your misery now, satisfied that you're inevitably going to accrue more bans in the future if you don't heed my warning and make the effort to evolve into something resembling a human.
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.39 
Oh, and for the record I never reported you. As I'm sure you're aware of now you can't report anyone while under a ban, and I'm sure you noticed you were banned during the stint of my community wide ban...put two and two together yeah?

I never report, and I love that tingling feeling when somebody who's just being a major ass can't handle their own medicine and reports me for delivering it.
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.31 
And please stop trying to deny the seethe and shame from the whole username debacle. When your immediate reaction to someone simply reading your steam username back to you is to attack them on their profile, and then shortly afterwards change said username and do your best to disguise the fact...you're bootyhurt and ashamed. Lotta people have edgey teen phases, you'll grow out of it chum.
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.31 
For an annoying pest who adds nothing of value you sure do keep seeking me out, bit weird innit?

But anywho there's that hypocrisy we we're talking about, you can't sing the blues about "m-muh ad hominem" when every single post you make is disregarding the opposing view as fanboys or some other malicious insult. I know you probably just learned about fallacies in English class or something and are eager to show off but it's not doing you much good when you're just as guilty of them gnomeimsaying? If you want a well mannered and thoughtful debate on a topic try starting with that tone, otherwise blow it out your ass lol (lmao)
Diabolical 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.22 
My report was on your braindead trolling done in threads, not on your profile or anywhere else. If you chose to derail the topic of a thread to make ad hominem attacks on me, that's on you, little guy. If you think I was seething with rage because some nobody didn't like the username I had that month, I have bad news for you. You're delusional. I simply find you to be an annoying pest who adds nothing of value to discussions and is just doing his bit by being a clown/ troll, hence the reports. And spare me the bs about not being able to take it, you and everyone else there did the same thing by mass reporting all of my comments on my thread, which forced the mods to ban me. It's how Steam discussion hubs work, community reports.

Your best bet is to stop being a clown, change your username to something resembling a normal individual and cut out the trolling and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on random threads. You'd at least be taken seriously for once in your life,even online.
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.16 
Sooooo, in one post you say a community wide ban is caused by multiple discussion hub ban (true enough, there's actually a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who spout pure vitriol then hunch over with a yelp when you respond with anything similar) and claim your report from seething about the mockery of your former username has nothing to do with it? You realize you contradicted yourself there right brewski?

I made a very tame mention of your steam username, down right polite compared to the things you were saying in the same very thread, and this was enough to get you to report me. Steam forum moderators being either lazy or otherwise woefully incompetent just took your report and said "bet" and banned me. This happens to me somewhat often so sadly you aren't too special in this regard.

Will say this, bragging about being a lil pissypants tattletale is a bit weird tho.
Diabolical 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.09 
Actually, I think your community ban was because of your multiple simultaneous discussion hub bans, which you accrued by being a nuisance in pretty much every thread you chose to comment in. My username had nothing to do with your punishment, nor did anyone care about your pathetic attempts to "make fun of it", least of all me.

Anyway, it seems you'll be facing many more bans in the future, seeing as you refuse to grow up and set aside this idiotic and massively cringe persona you've got going of the silly comic relief/ mid tier troll on Steam forums. At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and recognize that you are a clown but that you can't keep acting like it publicly because it annoys other people enough to press report on your garbage.

I myself will be the first to report your bs as soon as I am back on the MELE discussion hub. Though, with Starfield releasing in September, it's safe to say Mass Effect is going to be a mere afterthought of a series.
Talilover 20. aug. 2023 kl. 16.02 
The community ban that I got for tattling about your former steam name you mean? You gotta admit it's hella funny that your very first interaction with me was trying to make fun of mine but all I had to do was simply remind you what your steam name was, with no insult or derogatory remark, for you to lash out at me and do your best to erase that dark period of your past.

Trolling or being a little goofball on the internet can be hella fun so at first I thought that's what you were going for but such a visceral reaction, to me and others you interact with, along with the sheer hypocrisy and cowardice to result to reporting people has given me the impression of someone easily offended and somewhat insecure.

Still love you with big heats and kissies and super flattered you came to check up on me and my going ons on steam (are you by chance still peeking at mass effect discussion while banned?)

Diabolical 20. aug. 2023 kl. 15.38 
Hiya, scrub. I see you're back from your community ban with a vengeance. That's what I like to see. While I do think you're a good for nothing mid tier troll, I must admit, your posts on Total War Warhammer 3 are accurate af. That game sucks and the losers shilling for CA there deserve nothing but mid tier trolls like you making fun of them lol.
Talilover 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.38 
Please skull dark entropy skull-sama, I'll do anything! I'll help you with your Algebra homework or tell Nelson from 4th period to stop posting your deviant art ocs just please don't hurt me!
Diabolical 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.36 
Hm. It seems you truly are the lost cause you appear to be. I'd shed a tear for your poor parents that had to raise such an embarrassment, but it's their own fault for not using a better rubber. Good luck IRL son, you will struggle greatly.
Talilover 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.32 
If I gave you a copy of Hybrid Theory from Linkin Park would you forgive me?
Diabolical 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.31 
Hiding behind humor doesn't make your situation any less embarrassing, you know. If anything, it only reinforces the fact that you are incapable of formulating an original thought that doesn't involve your fictional waifu. You're pathetic. Grow up. :EvilGrin:
Talilover 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.26 
Oh no please skull dark entropy skull, please don't unleash your inner beast on me! You're so dark and mysterious and could totally beat your dad in a fight, spare me!
Diabolical 23. juli 2023 kl. 17.24 
You're a walking meme. Sober up and stop jerking off to your Tali posters and body pillows. It's disgusting and sad.
babywoojums 10. mai 2023 kl. 19.55 
Hey there, sounds like a great concept to me. I love the idea of spanking NG+1 Friede with Friede, if you're available now? I'll set the pw as "larp" minus quotes.
Talilover 16. apr. 2023 kl. 16.33 
Such is the way of dark souls 1

thanks tho, worked super dooper hard on it
The Amazing Mr. NF 16. apr. 2023 kl. 15.49 
I like the spartan cosplay even tho I got lagstabbed
Talilover 9. apr. 2023 kl. 16.47 
You realize I have no say in the matter who I invade right, you think I like to keep invading the alt+f4 champ?
Mendu 9. apr. 2023 kl. 16.40 
I'm definitely not the guy invading the same person lmao
Talilover 17. okt. 2022 kl. 10.55 
Commies love cummies
Spekosvaz 17. okt. 2022 kl. 2.45 
communists best
Talilover 16. okt. 2022 kl. 14.37 
imagine larping as a commie of all things, couldn't be me
Spekosvaz 16. okt. 2022 kl. 12.34 
idc american rat