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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 39.6 uur in totaal (27.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 8 mei 2021 om 2:09

After just beating this game I can easily say that this is one of the best Resident Evil games to date (Hardcore Resi Fan). I don't agree with people who say its not scary because it accomplishes more anxiety driven horror than overly obnoxious cowering and jump scares with spooky lighting. This game knows it can be scary despite the entire game having high contrast with snow and mostly being daylight and Capcom knows they know what they are doing. This game is extremely competent, oozes with charm and character, and ACTUALLY has a good, comprehensive plot and ties in with the rest of the series quite nicely. All of these reasons and more just give it such a spicy time, it exceeds expectations and leaves you excited for more or to at least replay it again. The only issue for me was that this game feels very hard but not for reasons you might expect. You wont ever find yourself struggling to have space for a key component, or not having ammo for a certain weapon. The survival horror aspects are taken back a notch in favor of a more arcade style loot system. Although its not bad I just think the way it was handled in 7 was perfect. I absolutely love that they aren't gonna just keep driving the series into the ground like resi 6 and are willing to take new directions with Lycanthropy and Vampires, it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome! The bosses were very unique and not too gimmicky and not bullet sponges either, and each one made me laugh or made my skin crawl! Overall a fantastic game, a boss calls Chris a "boulder-punching ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" 10/10 would watch Chris Redfield firing line my wife again
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