TZY   Singapore
小脑发育不完全 ,大脑完全没发育
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Достижения   0 из 77
408 ч. всего
последний запуск 2 мар
4,2 ч. всего
последний запуск 26 фев
Достижения   1 из 53
Fodor 26 янв в 8:09 
let's do another match
P4BLO44 5 сен. 2024 г. в 10:36 
- rep, very toxic in team comms, just playing the game and if you miss a kill he will be toxic screaming in your ear, not fun to have on your team, if you get him kick and mass report abuse comms
raa 1 сен. 2024 г. в 7:49 
I recently found him (TZY) thru a friend. We have
been together for roughly 3 months. He is ok,I
mean he is nice and all that, skinny arms, tall,
specky and those nerdy type. We have nice
conversations and sometimes we laugh together.
But, I see no future in us. I think I am more into the
more muscular type of guys and at least drive. But
last week, he did something totally unexpected
omg. You know the durian season is here and the
people here are all nuts for this. He suggested we
buy some durians and eat at my place. He then
chose some durians himself. omg. I never knew he
has these skills. He declined the opening of the
fruit and insisted to open the fruit at home. woah.
once at home, he displayed his opening and
cutting skills. You know the part where you needed
to bend and push the fruit lips apart to get the
seeds? omg, he did with such strength. I admit, I
was a bit wet and turned on. omg, such hidden
skills. What should I do now?
🍇JoJoramar🍆 2 авг. 2024 г. в 11:40 
pro gamer level
Fenrigore 28 июл. 2024 г. в 9:12 
Let's leave our gaming mark.
Sternsmasher 21 июл. 2024 г. в 13:36 
Attentive player!