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Đăng ngày: 15 Thg03, 2020 @ 11:27am
Đã cập nhật ngày: 25 Thg04, 2021 @ 11:44am

King Arthur's Gold Review

You may get kicked for 'minecrafting' — which is basically building too much and not rushing as builder. If you get kicked it lasts 30 minutes, but you can report the kick to the server admins on their discord and they will lift it promptly when they see it was for no good reason. But only if the admins don't know you or like you.

Unfortunately, the admins play favourites are hypocrites with double standards and if they don't like you they allow people to team kill you, false vote kick, and will look the other way, especially if it's their friends doing the greifing.

The other major issue with the game is drills and builders. Drills are too overpowered, cheap to buy and basically replace siege altogether since builders will door rush (place many doors), while drilling away your base and defences to get inside.

The builder class basically does everything and Knight and Archer just exist to protect them while they do everything. It ruins the game and the game should have focused on siege more. Builders should not be doing siege they should be building defences.

If you're a noob builder or a noob in general then pick up a drill and you're basically in god mode. It's item based gameplay and you can easily acquire a drill... but when you do you basically are subscribing to the crappiest gameplay mechanics that exist and it's not fun. Imagine just dying back and forth 100 times in a tunnel placing 100 doors, for the next thirty minutes because the other team has a builder who also obtained 'god mode' from using the drill. If the other team doesn't have a rambo builder like you, then you win the game in 5 minutes... which gets extremely boring after the first win. You just end up with short games where you keep repeating the process of building a base from nothing all so you can win in 5 minutes again and repeat the process of building a base that is mostly going to be useless and gone in 5 minutes when you win anyway...

A few ways to fix this:
  1. Remove the drill entirely (it's not needed at all), or remove it's insane DPS and make it more equal to being hit with a pickaxe.
  2. Make the drill so heavy it can only be lifted to certain angles: therefore, it can drill down and horizontally but still slightly down. If you do this then the drills ability to horizontally drill through a base are limited, as well drilling upward would be impossible which would eliminate/slow down tunnelling.
  3. Drill should actually clog/jam up when drilling dirt or remove the ability to drill dirt entirely. If drill is 'useful' for obtaining resources faster then make it a resource harvesting item only.
  4. Doors can be placed but have a timer before they become solid which basically would eliminate effective door rushing.
  5. Make siege more damaging. Decrease the cost of arrow bombs slightly. Increase their damage radius. Increase the damage radius of everything else. Emphasis on siege to break down bases instead of 1 man 'Rambo' builder who can only be stopped by an equally skilled builder. Meaning if the team doesn't have that, it's game over.
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