TF2 Imperium
TF2 Imperium - Trading since 2010

Please rep us at our rep thread on SourceOP after you traded with us! (RL money trades only.) For other trades, please rep us right here on our Steam profile. We'll return the favor.
Link below.

We focus on item for money trades. Buy the cheapest TF2 items here! We take your requests and try to get your items ASAP.
Currently Offline
George Droyd 10 Oct, 2012 @ 2:11pm 
id like to buy your strange part
Fentanyl Tim 4 Oct, 2012 @ 7:59am 
nice new service +rep
Sir Woorcold 1 Oct, 2012 @ 8:48am 
Fast, Fair and Nice Trader +rep
TeddyMunster 30 Sep, 2012 @ 12:53pm 
fast and Easy +rep
[-Reaper-] Shadow Melee 30 Sep, 2012 @ 12:46pm 
+ rep
KuribohArmy 30 Sep, 2012 @ 12:22pm 
+rep fast and nice