Sophie 16 mar 2021, ore 9:22 
:shigure2: :nekoheart: :7days:
jasen.berge 26 feb 2021, ore 3:43 
need help with the thread you posted in 2018 and 7 dtd incorrect cords if i could have some help please
Harold 9 feb 2021, ore 8:50 
I understand, thanks for looking into it. I just hope that while examining my case, that you did not let anger of what you read, be the continued determining factor that keeps me banned, but that we can all move on. We all make mistakes in life, and say things in a moments "rage". Life is full of moments, and we must not dwell on these things. Either way, I accept your decision.
Wolfguarde 6 feb 2021, ore 1:10 
Sorry mate, had the new thread option open for most of the day and hadn't refreshed. Didn't realise there was another thread there at the time of posting.
Harold 4 feb 2021, ore 3:52 
Thankyou :) Any way you can unban me, it's been several years now, and I admit I sort of lost myself that day, and I realize now that I was angry not at you guys, but because I had a vision of how I wanted the game to be, that was not coming to fruition. I still play the game, and have 5,554 hours invested into the game. I was banned for release date harrassment. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated.
SylenThunder 3 feb 2021, ore 12:07 
Known issue with distant POI. It's discussed in depth in several threads. The workaround is to run the POIS command in the console to disable and then re-enable the feature.
Harold 3 feb 2021, ore 3:22 
I can't post on the forums because they've banned me for life, but I wanted to share something with you. One of the issues I see players are still having, I just read another case, when you walk into a POI and transparent blocks appear that you can walk through. I've encountered this bug a couple of alphas ago. I believe it in connection with the "Distant Terrain Bug". A POI that has been destroyed can ghost back in at a distance, because "Distant Terrain" has not been updated to reflect those changes. If that's not the case, then perhaps too much going on in the game, for me it only happens when I'm around the Football Stadium.

Normally I enter the following commands, and it helps drastically with performance:
weather rain 0
weather snow 0
weather snowfall 0
weather fog 0

These features have a large hit on performance.
SylenThunder 28 gen 2021, ore 13:15 
This is covered in the Support FAQ Thread on the official forum. It's likely detailed in the Steam Forum as well in the support section, but I don't have that link handy atm.
Mensis 28 gen 2021, ore 13:07 
hey buddy can you please help me, the power is gone and i can't access my game save, i can't create a new world with that name, how can i make the game see it?
gzk7p 6 dic 2020, ore 17:12 
could you please accept the friend request? i have some questions to you about server 7DTD, would be awesome if you find some time to help me :) thanks so much and have a nice day!
jrogers123 6 dic 2020, ore 16:37 
Cause he's the Ax Man Is Achievement is impossible to get in 7 days to die Alpha 19 Iv made so many stone Axes and have never received the Achievement for it plz look in to this. also thx for the update news about 7 days to die.
Deadly3u 3 dic 2020, ore 0:11 
i added you have a question from one of your posts on 7 days saying the day count doesnt matter when it slightly does (survived days which does and doesnt correlate with total game day counter) just want to pick your brain on that
Jirka Fišer 23 nov 2020, ore 12:28 
my saves didn t work why?
Zed 18 nov 2020, ore 22:05 
Will you close the thread I posted on the GPU running hot on the 7 Days steam forums? I got the answer I wanted from another thread and people are just complaining in the thread now.
Green777 13 ott 2020, ore 12:49 
Thanks for your reply not sure who it was but i was banned just because i said to another poster do not put anything negative or something like that or you will get banned, and with that i get a total ban just seems very strange it was not negative about the game just did not want the poster to be banned themselves, Anyway thanks again for your reply, Just think all you mods should state directly to anyone your banning eg this is your first mini ban, then do the same say 2 more then a proper final ban saying this is your last chance next time you will be banned forever. Ill leave citr at that if i see someone that needs help and no replies if i can i will send them a message directc on their profile, Sorry for wasting your time
SylenThunder 13 ott 2020, ore 12:39 
I looked into your history Green. Given the fact that you have multiple warnings for violations of forum rules, and a couple of previous bans, I feel that the permanent ban on the forum was justified.

You might take this time to learn the lesson to not be such a ♥♥♥♥ when you post, and to have some respect.
Billious 2 ott 2020, ore 15:36 
Hello, do you know if Fun Pimps will be working on player character creation up dates? Better models, hairs, face features etc? Thank you.
[Chzzk]엔티티아들데빌 14 set 2020, ore 0:18 
PlayStation 4 Seven Days to Die Korean Patch, please. I don't know what it is because it's English. I hope you saw the Korean version on the console.
[XGS]DonkyBoY 21 ago 2020, ore 1:43 
Best developer for sure :D has helped me trouble shoot my game on a Friday night in the Steam forums With awesome fast response's that I have not seen from any developers.
YZYR 9 ago 2020, ore 0:26 
keep it up
Jdrocks 11 lug 2020, ore 2:30 
love the work you are doing for 7 days to die, keep it up:cozyprodman:
DXQ 30 apr 2020, ore 4:30 
3.If you are not a developer, can you help me to tell the developers? I don't know where to contact them.
SylenThunder 27 apr 2020, ore 22:26 
I would advise both. They'll want to invite yall to the Discord that's set up for testing discussion.
SylenThunder 27 apr 2020, ore 20:57 
Site is down as we are migrating to a new forum.
TheChoccoBiccy09 20 apr 2020, ore 1:56 
Nice. Anyway your doing a good job!
SylenThunder 20 apr 2020, ore 1:31 
I am moderator, and primary tech support for users. I work with the developers, but am not a developer.
TheChoccoBiccy09 20 apr 2020, ore 1:12 
Hi, I’ve seen you a lot on the 7dtd discussions and I’m just wondering if you are just a moderator for the discussions or a developer of the game. Thanks in advance.
Rikiki 16 apr 2020, ore 16:55 
Hey man, My friends wanna get together and play this game but they wanna wait until it's on sale, any way i could get some info on the next time it'll be on sale? I appreciate it!
M4RQU1T0_v2 4 apr 2020, ore 14:18 
cSg|mc-Hotsauce 6 mar 2020, ore 15:00 
Can you point the user with the interface bug with the beta to the bug forum please?
A global mod moved the thread to the game hub by mistake. Thank you!
lMP0SSiBRUH 17 feb 2020, ore 6:16 
Thanks for saving my 7 days to die save, you are a life saver!
rpr 26 gen 2020, ore 0:25 
I replied to your comment on my discussion!
Gaming Fanatic 24 gen 2020, ore 16:58 
good evening. I am having some troubles with 7D2D. I went to install the update and now it wont let me play at all. i unistalled it and then reinstalled it too. I dont know if you have any type of fix or suggestions for this. thank you.
DeadlyRaiderArmy 12 gen 2020, ore 23:48 
seems like a really chill dude.
Herger Joyous 8 gen 2020, ore 17:26 
I am standing here fishing and I'm not even AFK! :happybs:
PERAS 6 gen 2020, ore 15:47 
Hello there Sylen, first of all i just wanna say that you're a complete legend and i really would appreciate if you spend a few minutes of your precious time to help me with a doubt i have about 7 days to die, i love the game but in the discussion where you explained how to fix a corrupted file, i didnt understand what you meant with second recommendation, i deleted the files you told me to, but now the save isnt there, could you please give me a hand man, if you can i'll be very happy, by the way happy new year <3
anjel_santi 5 gen 2020, ore 14:15 
I bought the game 7 days to die but it doesn't let me install the install button, it comes out in gray, what can I do to fix it?
SylenThunder 14 dic 2019, ore 20:42 
NP. Apologies for the mix up.
𝔇ave 14 dic 2019, ore 20:39 
thankyou :)
𝔇ave 14 dic 2019, ore 20:30 
Sylen, can you please look into a matter on my behalf. i was wrongfully banned from the 7 days to die community because someone was impersonating my profile after they spammed my account and screenshots. i do not deserve to be banned.
Ꞣmiloツ 6 dic 2019, ore 19:05 
Hello friend, I saw your answer in the 7-day discussion to die, I would like to ask you, how do you update the controllers? If you want to talk to me in private, I sent you the steam friendship request
Prince Persona 26 nov 2019, ore 22:21 
Thank you for continuing to make 7 days great.

I play on Insane, Always Nightmare, 64 Zombie Horde Nights, No Air Drops, Permadeath. Land Claim 30 Days, Decay None. All other settings are default. I play till I die or make it to 100 days.

I really appreciate the level of customization that is allowed that 7 Days is still being worked on and be made into the game that was dreamed up years ago.
Kraft51 30 ott 2019, ore 1:20 
i was just curious is all, don't really care what that guy has to say as of late. can't educate those that refuse to be educated :)
SylenThunder 30 ott 2019, ore 0:45 
Nope, haven't deleted anything recently. Have merged a few, and moved a lot around to the correct sections though. If you look at your post history, you can probably find it.
Kraft51 30 ott 2019, ore 0:31 
did you happen to delete the thread that myself and dxzombie were trying to enlighten the ignorant. don't really care that you did honestly i just see its vanished from existence, i assume that the poster we were correcting made another nasty comment of some kind. just curious, i have no intentions in poking that bear :)
The Giving One 28 ott 2019, ore 16:49 
Ok, I see. Thank you for the reply. I hope it is ok to still ask the question on how players have installed the first drop of a18 because if they did not follow those steps as you helpfully outlined in that pinned thread, that might still possibly present an issue even after these latest patches, at least, I think it could.
SylenThunder 28 ott 2019, ore 16:46 
It was un-pinned because it related to experimental, and most of the information from responses was obsolete.
The Giving One 28 ott 2019, ore 16:39 
May I kindly ask if the pinned thread on best alpha 18 download practices got moved ? Sorry if I just missed it but I don't see it in the main discussion forum for 7DTD any longer. Thanks. Just wondering if there is a connection with the way some have installed the alpha and some of the bugs that people are reporting, where others reply they don't see what bugs are being discussed.