Klunte pls staph

"Titties will come and go but Zamonto is forever." -- Zamonto.TRub

"I like you, you like me, I like ♥♥♥♥♥." -- Stalin 2013

"♥♥♥♥, I just got dead." -- SalsA 2013

"You've got a nice ass" -- KlunTe 2013

"Damn son. You're kawaii as ♥♥♥♥" -- KlunTe 2013


00:08 - SalsA: Will be back in a few hours standards <3
00:08 - TC SweGamer™: uwot
00:08 - SalsA: put your ♥♥♥♥ in me plzzzz
00:09 - SalsA: I want a swede in my anus
00:10 - SalsA is now Online.
00:12 - TC SweGamer™: o-ok...
00:12 - SalsA is now Online.
00:12 - SalsA: Pls ♥♥♥♥ me
00:13 - SalsA: I luv u

22:41 - KlunTe: Pgov
22:41 - KlunTe: Gagy
22:42 - KlunTe: }<3
22:42 - KlunTe: Phone
22:42 - KlunTe: Biggq
22:49 - KlunTe: I love ypu
22:49 - KlunTe: Fgy
22:49 - KlunTe: Mentorer heary
22:49 - KlunTe: Smapchat
22:49 - KlunTe: Def
22:49 - KlunTe: Jo pics
22:49 - KlunTe: Sry

22:06 - KlunTe: All i want to get stuffed with is your ♥♥♥♥ ;)

22:26 - KlunTe: Gurl you know i'd suck your ♥♥♥♥ in a heartbeat

TC Munkyman: "Do I give of a black aura?"

00:09 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: no srs
00:09 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: feel it
00:10 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: Feel my love
00:10 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: Coursing through your veins
00:10 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: Like my jizz
00:10 - SalsA of the condiment dynasty: Coursing through your digestive system

13:15 - TC SweGamer™: so uh
13:15 - TC SweGamer™: sup?
13:15 - TC SweGamer™: how's life?
13:16 - KlunTe: Took a ♥♥♥♥
13:16 - KlunTe: Was good
13:16 - KlunTe: Eating ♥♥♥♥

13:19 - SalsA: I swear 90% of your profile is KlunTe saying weird ♥♥♥♥ and 2% me being drunk
13:20 - SalsA: If you two ever meet it'll be the most autistic moe ♥♥♥♥
13:20 - SalsA: I don't think the universe could handle it

18:55 - <NUT> Jääkarhu: took a ♥♥♥♥
18:55 - <NUT> Jääkarhu: studied ♥♥♥♥
18:55 - <NUT> Jääkarhu: ate ♥♥♥♥
18:55 - <NUT> Jääkarhu: feeling ♥♥♥♥

21:53 - .TDW Dank: Then we
21:53 - .TDW Dank: ♥♥♥♥

<NUT> Jääkarhu: so im laughing my ass out

23:27 - Phrenic: i savor almost all liquor though
23:27 - Phrenic: but you can savor it quickly

19:57 - SweGamer™: sssshhhhh
19:57 - Latino Cream King is now Snooze.

17:17 - Ab. Aubriac: It's my counsin's and her boyfriend
17:17 - Ab. Aubriac: not mine :)
17:18 - Osama Von Laden: oh
17:18 - Osama Von Laden: you sure?
17:18 - Ab. Aubriac: Yeah
17:18 - Ab. Aubriac: otherwise you would know I'd marry you

Ur actiyally the nvest person i knoe - klunte 2015

15:32 - Marten: filthy jew got what he deserved

15:36 - KenyanJesus: it's just in the middel
15:36 - KenyanJesus: i mean anything between 11-13 is acceptable
15:36 - KenyanJesus: 15 too old
15:36 - KenyanJesus: 9 too young


11:30 - it's ya boi: ♥♥♥♥ lost my ship
11:30 - it's ya boi: oh well I had no loot anyway
11:30 - Slim' Hustla: rip ship
11:31 - it's ya boi: luckily I have a ship that can never get destroyed
11:31 - it's ya boi: you know what it is called?
11:31 - Slim' Hustla: destroyable
11:31 - it's ya boi: friendship
11:31 - Slim' Hustla: i actually hate you so much sometimes

21:48 - BerryParty: damn, swe
21:48 - BerryParty: I have been sucked off so much since i got to this dorm
21:48 - BerryParty: most of them get spanked before they finish
21:49 - BerryParty: but some escape my clutch
21:49 - BerryParty: mosquitos are everywhere

I <3 Sheep: Na he told me he was a new #glorypump member
I <3 Sheep: I gave him some starter tips
I <3 Sheep: mainly to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ eat me

KDog: on god i'm gonna ♥♥♥♥ an anime girl
BerryParty 9 ก.พ. 2024 @ 2: 24pm 
imagine using steam
%Variable_Name% 17 ม.ค. 2020 @ 9: 37am 
stop triple sending messages
%Variable_Name% 17 ม.ค. 2020 @ 9: 35am 
thank you steam
BerryParty 24 ธ.ค. 2019 @ 2: 34am 
Hello idiot.

Oh I’m sorry, I just looked at your profile I didn’t realize you were a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women, especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I’m sorry. Maybe you could even add me on pc and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, minecraft, maybe even a little COD. Add me D4ADDY_SEX69. Sorry about my name, my cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.
BerryParty 22 ธ.ค. 2018 @ 3: 22pm 
Nice attempt at obscurity, homeland security
Jamie 1 มิ.ย. 2018 @ 7: 56am 
bb blue