Dr. Thrax

Early activities

Little is known about the GLA associate codenamed "Dr. Thrax." While background intelligence indicates that he received training as an immunologist in Jordan (allegedly getting his degree from a mail-ordered college), he left academics in 1995 and disappeared into a GLA-controlled ghetto in Cairo. For the past twenty years, he has produced chemical and biological weapons for terrorist organizations across the globe, including the GLA.

Recent eavesdropping on cell phone traffic indicates that Dr. Thrax has become more involved in day-to-day operations of the GLA. He has scattered labs across Asia and the Middle East, where low-cost WMDs are produced and distributed to local terrorist cells. A cautious and scientific personality, Dr. Thrax never sleeps in the same bed two nights in a row and undergoes frequent cosmetic surgery to alter his appearance.

There is overwhelming evidence that from this point on Dr. Thrax busily produced ever-more lethal biological and chemical weapons, which he sold to various terrorist organisations, including the GLA.

GLA Conflict

During the First GLA War, Dr. Thrax was identified as a key leader in the GLA by the US military. When a new chemical weapon was used in a warhead by the GLA and launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome against an American naval base in northern Europe, the US started to hunt down the scientist. Documents obtained from US operations in Somalia and Mt Elbrus revealed that Thrax had massive influence in the terrorist organisation. Having had his funding cut off by the Americans in Operation: Black Gold, Thrax fought a fight to the death against them in the classified Area 52, where his main stronghold was located. Thrax had threatened to launch four warheads against key metropolitan centres but the US army managed to thwart his plans (with help from GLA defectors who were unhinged by Thrax's insanity). Thrax's base was destroyed by the US forces, and it was assumed that the doctor had perished in the battle. His disappearance had led to a short internal power struggle within the GLA after the battle.

Second GLA War

Rumors continue to swirl around the mysterious Chemical Weapons expert known only as "Dr. Thrax" - his origins mysterious, how he survived the collapse of the GLA following their first failed uprising even more so. All that can be ascertained is that Thrax did indeed survive, has returned to prominence within the terrorist organization, and is - if it can be considered possible - a more deeply disturbed individual than ever before.

EU intelligence indicates that Thrax continues to conduct chemical weapons experiments in labs scattered across the globe, leaving a trail of devastating disease and chemical torture in his wake. Whispers from inside the GLA suggest that Dr. Thrax has been physically ravaged by his experiments - organs failing, massive chemical scarring on his legs and torso, hands so damaged he must wear gloves at all times lest they require amputation - but the few who know the entirety of the truth are too terrified to share it.


Dr. Thrax is more efficient at building the GLA's regular chemical warfare units and he incorporates chemical and biological enhancements into various other weapons systems. They typically leave some sort of contamination on the ground upon being deployed, with the battlefield becoming dangerous to traverse as a result. He is especially effective against Shin Fai, whose infantry-focused army can dissolve with frightening rapidity against Thrax's poisonous arsenal. Thrax's version of the Anthrax Bomb can annihilate ground units over a wide area, leaving the player's base open to his army which will finish the job.

When fighting as Thrax, the player strives to get close to the enemy to allow the doctor's toxins to do their terrible work. Alternatively, when playing against him, it is vital to destroy Thrax's units as far from one's own forces as possible, from the air, if air units are available. Heavy armor is preferred if the player absolutely must face his units on the ground at closer range. Decontamination and healing units must be ready for Thrax's rebel ambush, which will deposit toxin-spewing squads in the middle of the player's base.

Thrax does not have access to GLA stealth units or abilities, other than the sniper Jarmen Kell and the buried Demo Trap.
orlordsキタ 1 hour ago 
(=*~*=)' amazing profile (=>~<=)'
sladki snov 1 hour ago 
Kebab Enjoyer xD
Izzuru 17 Mar @ 6:12pm 
ceeekus 17 Mar @ 6:01pm 
✪ aRsshwm 17 Mar @ 3:47pm 
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