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发布于:2022 年 1 月 16 日 下午 12:31
更新于:2024 年 12 月 4 日 上午 5:52

dise gud if you like ace combat, can only recommend

daym horse**** they actually released the DLC for PC.
i was so mad at them for having it be a sony exclusive but
now iam truly grateful for still believing in them.
ive only played up to the tunnelrun misson but
this game truly is up there with the ace combats for me beating most of them.
(in my humble opinion)
get the game and the DLC if you love arcade flying shooter its up on the best out there.
But most importantly listen to the radio chatter its half the games fun
yours truly

Update 2:
I finished the DLC now and this time its not Orange but PURPLE
It truly is a DLC becoming of PW and iam here for more of it.
Descendants is a work of of art by Jose Pavli and i need more of it.

I beg you to expand this world and its story PLEASE, my soul demands it.
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