Alberta, Canada
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Guppy 7 Nov, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
Hey Pal - this is a warning. Now I don't know how you've been spending your money-- lord knows it's none of my business --but you are losing capital FAST! This is an extremely DANGEROUS game to be playing in this economic climate... I suggest going for the gold going forward, lest you want your wallet to be turned to a pillar of salt.... DON'T LOOK BACK! But on a more serious note, you're in luck. My buddy BIONICBELLY happens to be SERIOUSLY knowledgable about financial matters-- he might be able to finesse you out of this mess! I suggest getting in contact ASAP. Sincerely wish that dusty old wallet some luck, it seems to need it! Maybe dust the cobwebs outta there just my two cents!! Anyhow, love and fish always,
Your buddy Rupert
GongGolem 27 Jul, 2022 @ 9:29am 
╰┓┳╰╯┳┏╯ Special Delivery For A Super Awesome Friend! <3
┃┃    ┏━╭╰╯╮
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╰┫ ╭╮ ┃┃ Semen ┃
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╭┛ ┃┃ ┗-
Guppy 16 Jun, 2022 @ 1:41am 
Hi all, looking for some wisdom. Last year I converted my 2019 stump jumper 29 er to tubeless and I'm having a hard time keeping the air in. I found out the front and rear are leaking air.. It came with these 2bliss rim strips and that's what I ended up using. I guess what I'm wondering is if I should clean everything out and re-tape the rim or should I go back to tubes?
Guppy 23 May, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
I'll show YOU a world of goo! >:(
GongGolem 26 Apr, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
Hey Buddy, had you over a couple days ago and I just had to send you this letter. You have really made me upset. First off you come in and dont even complement my new hair cut then you waddle over to my fridge and DRINK my whole gallon of milk saying "Bro im on GOMAD diet i need my milk for the day." This made me probably 67.4% upset at the beginning but then we played some minecraft and destroyed a mountian together which was fun. but then just when I think you are in the clear you stick your big fat fingers in my pickle jar and grab a pickle. As the oil and grease from your hands dilate into the succulent juice of the jar I BECOME PISSED.
Guppy 9 Sep, 2021 @ 9:49pm 
Hey so I heard you're pretty alright at Trauma Center: New Blood. I've been stuck on the second Stigma encounter for a couple weeks now, have you got any advice? First I should ask, do you play w/ or w/o the nunchuk? I know some professional players use it bu