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2,131.2 hrs on record (1,890.1 hrs at review time)
I have put a lot of hours in this game, there is no other game like War Thunder.
The constant nerfing of progression by tweaking currency gains and increasing repair costs to basically force players to buy and play in premium vehicles absolutely ruins the game. Almost every game I participate in especially top tier, people leave the game after get getting killed one time, because you guessed it, its the only vehicle they actually have acquired on that level and arent ready for that gameplay yet. (you usually need like a well balanced lineup of at least 4 vehicles of the same Battle Rating to really participate) For someone that worked my whole way up there its increasingly frustrating to even start a new game. After 3mins of gameplay your whole team can already have completely abandoned the game with the enemy team bullrushing all objectives and the spawn. Its pretty much hopeless at this point.

Dont bother installing this game. Save your sanity and time for a developer that does appreciate its own player base.
Posted 24 May, 2023.
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63.3 hrs on record (26.1 hrs at review time)
Story is great so far, you WILL get so many played hours out of this its crazy. I am nearly 30 hours in and barely past the first chapter to "retake" the city, this is with all the side quests though. So many classes you can play and you can even respec if you want to. You can respec your party members if you want a specific party play style. Better than Baldurs Gate.
Posted 6 September, 2021.
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29.2 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly this game is pretty trash, the designs of the Temtem are really bad, like a 10 year old drew everything up they really don't make sense at all. There is no theme going on with corresponding types etc. Also I am almost 10 hours into the game, my Temtem are all lvl 20ish and I encounter the same 20 Temtem over and over again, it's fricking horrible. Battle and Damage is EXTREMELY inbalanced, please explain to me how a lvl 7 Temtem can easily put a dent in my lvl 20 Temtem? I should also be able to oneshot Temtem way lower than me, but NOPE, honestly I don't know where to list all the problems with this game. There is no "Early Access" excuse for $35. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.

If you cherish pokemon, and want to try something out as a clone etc, I can tell you, this ain't it. Everything looks and feels the same, it's all very boring. The only positive thing I can say about this game is the music, the music is awesome but that's it.

Do yourself a favor and walk away.
Posted 2 February, 2020.
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12.9 hrs on record (10.7 hrs at review time)
Hello fellow gamers,

I've only played this game for 2 hours now but I can already tell this is gonna be one of my most favorite games. If you love playing tabletop, or Pathfinder specifically, then you will love this game. Same rules apply and you can make this game as easy or as hard as you want it to be. The story so far is great, the game looks great, and I think it has great potential to be an amazing game down the road as well with either DLC or Workshop support to add third party classes, archetype, races etc to really really get the feel of Pathfinder in this game. Owlcat nailed it so far, I am playing on normal mode but even then stupid decisions will leave your entire party dead. Lucky there is a save function! But play on hard mode and die, start over! I will try and update the review as I play this game more and more, but I really think you should pay up the $40 for this game and try it out for yourself.
Posted 25 September, 2018.
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108.1 hrs on record (105.4 hrs at review time)
I'm reviewing this based on hundreds of hours of gameplay.

The Steam hours played for me is not accurate, I use the launcher outside Steam so it doesn't count played hours anymore.

That said, let me start with the facts of this game:

- The community is small (at peak hours maybe 30k ppl will be playing it, in comparison to like 90k in a game like BF4)
- The learning curve is steep, very steep.
- You need real time to learn skills you can use in game
- A loss in the game has actual consequences
- Barely any PVE content
- PVP content only created by players
- Sandbox, as in player created content PVP and economy, nothing else. (this is not a sandbox game whatsoever)
- Graphics look good

Now let's get to phase 2, my opinion:

I have played this game for a long time. I can't say I have ever enjoyed playing it whatsoever. The only real sitisfaction this game gave me is when a skill completed. I am personally more of a PVE player, as I usually don't have time to get in a group, roam for a while and (hopefully) get some kills. Let me just say this, if you like pure boredom and PVE, by any means necessary go buy this game and install it right now! You will not be disappointed. The only PVE content in EVE are missions, mining and exploration. All three are extremely limited and not profitable in game unless you are lucky hitting a sleeper cache in exploration (only available to you if you have insane scanning kills, which take a lot of time to train)

PvP in this game is alive and well, so if you enjoy that, by all means try this game out. You will not be flying anything fancy anytime soon but hey, if you get a kill in a frigate class ship and you are having fun who gives a rat's @ss right?

Try joining a corporation as soon as you start the game, one that is active and can show you the ropes. Otherwise you will be stuck grinding missions from lvl 1 to 4 which feels like eternal damnation till you have waited long enough for some important and long skills to have trained.

I can't say more than this honestly, the game feels very inactive, the developer CCP feels very uninspiring to me and changes to the game seem to make people more angry than happy.

The player base can be very frustrating to deal with too, not a sentence is said without swearing, and taking advantage of people in this game is VERY common practice. If you want to be treated fairly play World of Warcraft on a PVE server, no harm can be done there. In EVE people will take advantage of you if you let them and scams are just as ordinary as burger joints in America.

Try EVE out, flame other people, rage from time to time, spin your ship around in the hangar for what sometimes seems for hours at a time, kill a mind numbing amount of npc or mine thousands of rocks and gain nothing in return!

All this for just $15 a month.
Posted 4 March, 2016.
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