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Yayınlanma: 9 Eki 2023 @ 11:11

Drug-fueled schizophrenic nihilistic nightmare disguised as a post-ironic satire parody of maximalist ultracapitalist powerviolence that's masquerading as a glorpy horrific low-quality battery-acid trip kaleidoscope FPS game that's also disguised as an avant-garde consumerist post-parody existentialist game-breaking speedrun playground that's masquerading as a drug-fueled schizophrenic nihilistic nightmare.

It's like if Sam Hyde and LSD Dream Emulator swapped saliva in the MKUltra dimension. If any of that piques your interest, boy do I have a game for you.

It's the video game equivalent of sticking your sausage in a toaster. All the points are made up and nothing matters.
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