Liz (Strv103D)
Ewan Dare   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Is not obsessed with Yinglets...
Refuel with coffee only.
Alcohol and/or tea can be used in emergency situations.
Avatar/username may change frequently at the slightest notice.
...Ok, I am obsessed with Yinglets and they're from a webcomic called Out of Placers.
Also, Merp

"I cannot surrender. I am in command of Australians who would cut my throat if I did."
-British Colonel Charles ♥♥♥♥, Battle of Elands River, Second Boer War

"The most terrible of all my battles was the one before Moscow. The French showed themselves to be worthy of victory, but the Russians showed themselves worthy of being invincible" -Napoleon Boneparte

"You have all wished us a lucky journey and have expressed the conviction that with our brave soldiers we will smash the Japanese. We thank you for your good intentions, but they only show that you do not know why we are going to sea. But we know why we are going to sea. We also know that Russia is not a sea power and that the public funds spent on ship construction have been wasted. You wish us victory, but there will be no victory. But we will know how to die, and we shall never surrender."
-Captain Bukhvostov, Russian Battleship Alexander III, 36 hours before the 2nd Pacific Fleet departed for Port Arthur and the Battle of Tsushima. (Alexander III was lost with all hands during the battle after drawing fire away from the flagship)

"Soldiers, exactly at three o'clock, the enemy is to be crushed by your fierce charge, destroyed by your grenades and bayonets. The honor of Belgrade, our capital, must not be stained. Soldiers! Heroes! The supreme command has erased our regiment from its records. Our regiment has been sacrificed for the honor of Belgrade and the Fatherland. Therefore, you no longer need to worry about your lives: they no longer exist. So, forward to glory! For the King and the Fatherland! Long live the King, Long live Belgrade!"
-Dragutin Gavrilović, of the 2nd Battalion of the 10th Cadre Regiment before their charge against Austro-Hungarian forces in Belgrade.

Maxim 01: Pillage, then burn.
Maxim 11: Everything is air-droppable at least once.
Maxim 42: "They'll never expect this" means "I want to try something stupid."
Maxim 55: It's only too many weapons if they're pointing in the wrong direction.
Maxim 69: Sometimes rank is a function of firepower.

“If it has a pulse,

Take its skull!

If it builds a house,

Smash it flat!

Strength is my God,

The God of Shapes,

If my God should fail me,

I will kill him too.”

– Sword Law Mantra of the Knights Belligerent

"Shapeless, it defies Description.
Aimless, it defies Prediction.
Graceless, it defies Realization.

To be Artless is to master the Lie.
And therein lies the Truth."

Shiny things below.

You're still reading this? You Iz Mucking About!

...I'll just keep adding stuff to this until i hit the character limit or something.
I found the character limit... it's 4,000, the Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries killed it.
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MrSeanly 21 Apr, 2019 @ 11:48am 
░░░░ ▐ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° '▌░░░▀█▄
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░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY BOOTY BANGER
Sir Casem III || Cerestria 21 Sep, 2018 @ 12:08am 
cool ying my dude
Saryyn 5 Mar, 2013 @ 6:36pm 
ur also obsessed with apple jack daniels!
Cmd86 12 Aug, 2012 @ 10:30pm 