##Leaf Sale 9:1 TF2
I am selling Winter 2023 Sale Sets through:
Sale bot #1 and Sale bot #2 .

현재 오프라인
Welcome to Leaf Steam Sale BOT that sells sets from current Steam Sale.

:black_dot: If you would like to buy more rare sets you can always check Foil Card BOT and High Level BOT .

:black_dot: If you want to buy with BTC or order custom leveling you can add me here to discuss.

:black_dot: Volvo put limit on steam trades, if the one outgoing trade is active from bot to user, the bot cannot send another one until the trade is processed. So if you cant request a trade from bot please be patient and retry in 5 minutes.

BOT Command List

:black_dot: !check - returns number of badges that you can craft from cards that the BOT has in inventory.

:black_dot: !buy [number of keys] - requesting trade offer for [number of keys] (in example !buy 5) .

:black_dot: !buytf [number of keys] - requesting trade offer for TF2 keys.


:black_dot: The BOT cant send you offer if your inventory is set to private or if you cant trade (i.e. you changed e-mail address recently)
:black_dot: The BOT can automatically remove you after 48 hours without a trade. If you want to get information about new sets, you can always join Steam Group
:black_dot: If your trade for some reason got rejected try to send it again after 1-2 minutes. Some trades with 1k+ cards need a moment to be processed and the processing time is outside of BOT's control.
:black_dot: If you want to buy using multiple offers it is important, that you use all cards from first offer before you request another one.
:black_dot: SteamRep [steamrep.com]. If you want to contact moderator please use :LTTR: Group Forum Thread :LTTR:
좋아하는 그룹
Leaf BOTS - 공개 그룹
게임 중
채팅 중
최근 활동
기록상 0.3시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2020년 12월 24일
기록상 3.5시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2017년 7월 6일
기록상 4.5시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2017년 7월 5일
##Leaf Sale 9:1 TF2 2017년 12월 18일 오후 9시 47분 
If you want to contact moderator please use Group Forum Thread

