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My Profile
CS:GO Info:

:csgogun:Matchmaking Rank: Supreme/Global
:csgogun:Favourite Weapon: AWP/Deagle! :csgogun:
:csgogun:Primary Role: Entry Fragger/Sniper
:csgogun:Current Team Status: :'( N/A
:csgogun:In-Game Resolution: 1280 x 720
:csgogun:Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 16:9
:csgogun:DPI: 1100
:csgogun:In-game Sensitivity: 4

Rank Checklist:

:csgogun:Silver 1::steambored:
:csgogun:Silver 2::steambored:
:csgogun:Silver 3::steambored:
:csgogun:Silver 4::steambored:
:csgogun:Silver Elite::steambored:
:csgogun:Silver Elite Master::steambored:
:csgogun:Nova 1::steambored:
:csgogun:Nova 2::steambored:
:csgogun:Nova 3::steambored:
:csgogun:Nova Master::steambored:
:csgogun:Master Guardian 1::steambored:
:csgogun:Master Guardian 2::steambored:
:csgogun:Master Guardian Elite::steambored:
:csgogun:Distinguished Master Guardian::steambored:
:csgogun:Legendary Eagle::steambored:
:csgogun:Legendary Eagle Master::steambored:
:csgogun:Supreme Master First Class::steambored:
:csgogun:The Global Elite::csgostar:
Helios 3 Sep, 2016 @ 11:52pm 
+rep Good friend, if you want to get Global Elite fast talk to him ;):hardpunch:
milie 5 May, 2016 @ 1:03pm 
Nice !