U|timate>xXx< 15 de jan. às 2:12 
Crazy Kazuya player insane wave dashing.
JESSE IM JUST FARTING 12/dez./2024 às 8:53 
+rep starker Kazuya
Penq 9/dez./2024 às 3:00 
ggwp! Nice Kazuya!
Jack1301 7/dez./2024 às 2:23 
incredible pewgf, gg
xXBuubzMeister 16/nov./2024 às 8:10 
sick kazuya m8!
Murasaki 31/out./2024 às 7:44 
sick kazuya man
RIDDANCE7 26/set./2024 às 5:33 
ggs bro terryfing 50/50s with kaz
Dantes 19/jun./2024 às 6:13 
ggs man, very fun matches ^^
Zoice 11/jun./2024 às 23:34 
GGs. Clean movement.
Dullest 11/jun./2024 às 11:12 
gg crazy kazuya, sick movement
gilmat 28/mai./2024 às 1:13 
ggs, sick execution
unknownx2 12/abr./2024 às 0:53 
nice kazuya. first one i say that actually uses that homing move well. good matches, my dude.
Chesney 14/mar./2024 às 8:38 
GG's, clean clean movement
reepz 8/mar./2024 às 3:02 
crazy mishima player movement s+ ggs!
собака ссыт и срё 4/mar./2024 às 8:52 
great kazya. really enjoyed fighting with you
[CCC] SkinnyD 2/mar./2024 às 2:45 
ggs man, clean wavu
Season 2 or Bust 28/fev./2024 às 12:14 
Interesting high risk Kazuya style, ggs
ZtarwarS 28/jan./2024 às 5:21 
Sick Kazuya bro wish I had movement like that
Jimmy Pop 22/jan./2024 às 2:20 
ggs nice kaz
SoulReaver 12/jan./2024 às 3:52 
Nice Kazuya! Thanks for a long set, hope we are both learned some matchup things. Kazuya`s 50/50 is still hard for me and trying to do something... often badly :) gl next and cya
Carlitos950 9/jan./2024 às 8:33 
Yoshi 27/dez./2023 às 10:07 
gg bro. enjoyed to play with you
mastervodka 22/dez./2023 às 9:34 
gg's epic gamer
Van Der Linde 28/nov./2023 às 7:09 
ggs nice hwo
ymir 27/nov./2023 às 5:26 
great hwo:) ggs
LeonKennedy™ 16/nov./2023 às 10:48 
Truly enjoyed to play hwo mirror, this guy is a beast ,ggs
Masayoshi Shido 9/nov./2023 às 11:26 
ggs bro. Steam was down, I didnt ragequit haha
Normuauauaua 27/out./2023 às 14:50 
Masayoshi Shido 10/set./2023 às 9:55 
ggs bro. Surprinsingly stable connection for wifi :)
Diviy 3/jul./2023 às 12:57 
whoops, i didnt reply back

Insane Hwo!
🥳Inkywinky 8/jun./2023 às 7:27 
DeadPatrick 1/jun./2023 às 8:41 
Unbekannt 27/abr./2023 às 14:27 
schönes profil bild
Within 25/out./2022 às 11:25 
GGs Very respectable hwoarang! :angry_tk:
Orient Apache 1/abr./2022 às 7:58 
Pingu 31/dez./2021 às 11:28 
ggs, care that you are using downjab a LOT after the same moves (e.g ws4,4). Happy new year.
P.N. - A. 30/dez./2021 às 11:32 
ggs mate! :steamthumbsup:
Slown4128 27/dez./2021 às 13:21 
GG WP:steamfacepalm:
Der Ausgebuffte 25/dez./2021 às 11:01 
GGs man, nice Kazuya ^^:KyoKusanagi:
zotyasticx 22/dez./2021 às 1:56 
Nice guy and an outstanding Hwo <3
Mincomics 14/dez./2021 às 8:34 
a very good and long playing set
Filleツ 13/dez./2021 às 13:38 
ty for the games, i really enjoyed them. Not really sure why you ki-charged me in the end but thanks for the long set anyway!
BUS_pl 10/dez./2021 às 9:11 
Nice Kazuya ggs :)
My save file got corrupted 10/dez./2021 às 7:47 
First time playing Kazuya? I could tell. Better stick to Hwoarang. Kazuya is for scrubs anyway.
milk 16/nov./2021 às 7:08 
ggs brother
A06Z.R6 16/nov./2021 às 5:42 
gg man :)
red5 12/nov./2021 às 3:19 
kein rematch?
jubi 9/nov./2021 às 8:06 
Crashed with no error message or anything
Touch 12/out./2021 às 5:02 
GG, nice hwoarang.
Anntsi 28/fev./2020 às 1:06 
Ggs, it was really fun :)