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76561199165398663 9 серп. о 9:37 
+rep nice profile😉
Malonn 19 лип. о 10:20 
great guy, dominant force💢
Arcanebearer 8 трав. о 6:36 
Ready to take on the world?
Mneri 22 берез. о 10:26 
M!sky 3 берез. о 12:57 
-rep cheater
Wilma Dickfit 13 січ. о 18:03 
It has been 4 hours since I successfully sucked my own penis. Things are different now. As soon as mouth-to-penis contact was made I felt a shockwave through my body. I have reason to believe I have super strength and telekinesis now.. 3 hours after contact I noticed a van parked on my street but no one has entered or exited the car since its arrival. I fear for my safety, I'm not sure what sort of power I may have stumbled upon but it's possible that the government has found out