Cheeki Pagan
Shekelstein   Kentucky, United States
"Pennis is not gluten free"
A nude german guy.- 2016
"It's been a hot minute since my last drug war so bring it on jose"
A gimp in a garden - 2017
"Little McCrees that scream it`s mid day every 3 seconds."
Jeff Kaplan - 2016
"Im bisexual, but i'll never touch another boy because its a sin"
Edgy christian. -unkown
"Its not a cover its a cry for help"
- A man doing a metal cover of im blue - 2017
Currently Offline
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Azure AD 6 Jun, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
A little over 7 years ago we met playing Rust in one of my favorite servers that no longer exists. It was a great time with you and Vyrolo putting hours into that game and raiding the admins(or attempting at least). I miss the time we had in that game. Would have loved to play again. It is such a different game now, I am sure you would have enjoyed all of the changes they made. RIP
Dr. Pepper flavored Peeps 31 Jan, 2022 @ 8:54pm 
Been 4 years already, huh. Hard to believe ya been gone that long chief. Missed a lot, that's for sure. Hard to know if ya would really recognize me, especially since i cut all my hair off lmao. Well, wherever you're at now, I hope you're havin a blast like we used to. RIP o7
ObiWanJacobi 19 Feb, 2020 @ 5:17pm 
Will always miss you man, RIP.
👭🏼 🄰🅅🄰🄷 👧 22 Apr, 2019 @ 8:51pm 
🍇💚 ô¿ô "(◔/‿\◔) DOPE- 🥞🏓💄 cut loose! 🎽📗⚡🏀 gl. 👔⛳😺🌸 SPLENDID GAME* ✤❂¤♀
🥒📀 🚘🎍
Miles Teg Impersonator 17 Sep, 2017 @ 5:49pm 
PatDaGamer 25 Feb, 2017 @ 1:54am 
Your son is adopted