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Reseñas recientes de FallenStar

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50.2 h registradas (20.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Ah Ace Combat, finally gracing us on the PC platform.
I originally played this back on the PS4 when it was originally released.
I also played Ace Combat 2 for PS1; Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere for PS1; Ace Combat 4 Shattered Skies for PS2 ; Ace Combat 5 Squadron Leader for PS2; Ace Combat The Belkan War for PS2; Ace Combat Assault Horizon for PS3 and Ace Combat Infinity for PS3;
So I do have a little bit of experience with this franchise.

Ace Combat 7 is a pretty decent game. The gameplay is fun, planes are awesome, the graphics are outstanding and the storyline is okay.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, the game doesn't live up to the reputation of Ace Combat 5 and Ace Combat: The Belkan War.
The trailers had me hyped up for something more but sadly the storyline is quite disappointing. It raises some really interesting questions but it falls flat in the end. For those that ever tried or played Ace Combat 5: Squadron Leader; or The Belkan War will know how much more interesting the plot goes.
Those games are also longer than Ace Combat 7.

Another issue that I have with it its simply its length: I expected around 30 missions but we only got 20, some of which aren't all that interesting. They're just checks on a list that happened in previous games:
1: Oh, did we have that canyon mission? Let's throw one here
2: Chasing down a missile before its too late? Check
3: Narrow tunnel? Check

That doesn't say it doesn't bring some new things to the table.
The lightning in the clouds is actually a fun mechanic though unfortunately it's not as intimidating as it should be.
Unlike previous Ace Games, there's more interaction with the clouds and the things around you. Your plane can freeze up, the wind can make your plane harder to control so all in all that's good.

As for the Multiplayer: Disappointing, really disappointing on PC. Barely any lobbies unlike the PS4.
Game modes are boring and run out of gas fairly quickly. A shame they didn't take elements from Ace Combat Infinity (PS3 exclusive game now closed) which had more game modes, CO-OP and more fun stuff such as bosses to take on.
Heck even Assault Horizon had CO-OP Campaign.
There are a few scripted scenes which take you out of the experience. Sometimes the enemy plane can suck up to 20 missiles removing the immersion you were previously into.
Some maps where you have to eliminate a certain amount of enemies can sometimes become quite frustrating as your AI team mates (more than in any other Ace Combat game) are awfully inept, taking 9-10 missiles to destroy 1 damn truck.
Even though you do get to "command your own squadron in the story" there is no interactivity between you or them in the entire game unlike other AC games. You cannot choose any choices; you cannot have them defend you or focus on a target; they're just there to circle around and do nothing and sometimes it's far too noticeable and cringe as they try to sound amazing or that they're scoring kills.
Yes it would've been fun if at least 1 of your team mates would score kills so that you can compete with them but that's out of the question here. A wasted potential.

The soundtrack is flawless, some songs in here are game of the year worthy, they really pump up the action in the game and make you feel like an Ace Pilot. Unlike Assault Horizon you cannot customise your own plane with whatever colours you want, sadly customisation is very limited (only a few skins); but mods can make up for that.

Personally I'm 50-50 with Ace Combat 7 having played all the other games.
I would recommend it since it's a solid game but I wish they would've brought their big guns for this one.
I may seem overly critical of the game but that's only because I've played all the other AC games which I really enjoyed so I was hoping this one would blast everything else to dust.
I hope they'll do that for Ace Combat 8.
Publicada el 23 de enero de 2020.
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9.0 h registradas (5.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Finished this on the PS4 many times. Got around 20+ hours in it there.

If Sea Dogs and Freelancer had a baby, that would be Rebel Galaxy and for me that is a very good thing.
I didn't start playing the game with high expectations but it started to grow on me later on.
The space combat itself is well done, the graphics are pretty decent, the sound design is really accurate to a space game and on top of all, the ships that you get to pilot on your journey are pretty awesome.

The story isn't a big deal so don't expect much, but it is there and it does offer content. I ended up playing the game for around 15-20 hours, doing trades, side quests, main quests that enabled me to get one of the best ships in the game full with weapons and upgrades.

One of the things I found interesting in the game is that the ships that you get to use aren't necessarily better than the others. Each one of them has some pros and cons and they do feel different from each other. The reason why the ships aren't necessarily better it's because the upgrades of the ship such as: weapons, shields, hull, deflectors, components,etc can work on any ship that you have.
So for example if you prefer a Light or Heavy Frigate and you upgrade it with full weapons and shields that have a good level, you can actually take out way bigger ships than yours.
If you decide to buy a destroyer class ship, it offers you more weapon slots but restraints more of your speed and maneuverability.

The selection of ships you can buy is pretty good and most of the game you'll be busy finding ways of collecting credits to purchase/upgrade them. There are plenty of ways to obtain credits either by doing main quests, side quests, faction quests, finding out certain abandoned space stations that you can hack for a discount in stores, or for materials lost in your system.
You can also trade, by purchasing and selling goods or, if you wish to play more as a pirate, you can ambush merchant ships and steal their goods then resell them. Mining is also in the game and you can either mine an asteroid field for goods or you can attack the miners and steal their cargo.

There are several factions in the game but mostly it's just the Militia and the Citizens and on the other side are the Pirates each with their own group. Both of the factions have their own space stations and depending on your friendship with them, you can dock at their base and purchase some of their ships or weapons which are exclusive only to their faction.

I was really impressed by the size of the ships in the game. You really start with a low yet still decent ship and as you explore around and check the Shipyard you will notice other, better ships than your own that are also larger in size. After changing the system I was currently in, I was surprised that the ships I thought were large,were only a fragment compared to the Dreadnoughts and Destroyers, and damn it feels good to own one of those.

You can also recruit various Wingmen that you can find on space stations to help you out in the game as they're pretty useful earlier on. The downside to this is that you can only recruit one wingmen at a time which I didn't really like and later on when you'll be doing some harder quests, they fall off rather quickly as you cannot upgrade their ships like you can do with your own.

If you wanted a game where you can pilot a capital ship or a massive ship, this game is definitely for you.
While not perfect, anyone who enjoys a space game would definitely find things to like in Rebel Galaxy. There's content all around and things for you to do, though for the most part you will just end up shooting things as that it's the main focus and the best quality of the game.

+ Fun challenging and tactical gameplay.
+ Various ships to purchase each with their own pros and cons.
+ Multiple ways of obtaining credits.
+ Feeling awesome as you take down bigger ships than your own or owning one yourself.
+ Space battles are pretty addictive to part take in.
+ A pretty good AI to put up with your efforts that will punish you unless you go into a mission prepared.

- After you obtain what's best in the game, which should take around 15-20 hours depending on what you do, you'll end up with little else to do in the game.
- Short story overall.
- The systems are different in looks but not enough to discern them like in Freelancer.
- Unable to recruit more than one wingmen.

If you like spaceships, battles and all that, I would highly recommend it to you as there are plenty of things here to keep you going. The game shouldn't be too expensive and it's definitely worth a shot.

Looking forward to a sequel improving and adding more to this already good quality package of a game.
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2019.
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3.8 h registradas (2.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de Acceso anticipado
There's a lot of potential with this game and so far it's going in the right direction.
Looking forward to see improvements to the customisation (the more the merrier) as well as new enemies to fight and varied missions.

I wish there would be more improvement over the sound design (in combat) but I'm confidant this will improve in time.

Keep up the good work here. If more's added to the story (such as voice acting and perhaps a darker/deep story) this will perhaps be one of the top mecha games in no time.

What I would like to see in the future:
+ Better sound when it comes to fighting
+ More in game dialogue (Ace Combat style)
+ AI friendlies to help you in battle, making it seem like it's a bigger world. Perhaps you can recruit or have more AI companions and have them drive one of the mechs you create (since the amount you can build is more than reasonable even in early access)
+ More customisation/weapons
+ Different maps layouts
+ More variety with enemies (would be fun if some of them would drive mecha as well rather than the monster-type thing.

Overall I'm glad with this product and I believe the only way with it is up.
Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward with excitement to any new updates!
Publicada el 16 de septiembre de 2019.
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255.1 h registradas (98.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The best XCOM 2 experience comes with War of the Chosen.

Leaving all bugs/glitches aside which are common in pretty much every game this experience provides you with everything you can ask for in a strategy tactical turn based game.

The storyline is quite intriguing over the vanilla version introducing new cutscenes, characters and many gameplay elements that provide an infinite amount of replayability.
The gameplay in the game is fun, tactical, every moves counts and offers an experience like no other.

The customisation in the game is outstanding due to the fact that you can pretty much create your dream character, give them whatever story you may think of and set them loose on these difficult but intriguing and exciting missions.

XCOM 2 War of the Chosen is one of the best games of the century. Despite its rough release and glitchy moments, if you're willing to look past those you'll find an endless amount of fun in an overall intriguing, exciting and immersive game.

+ Phenomenal gameplay from a strategy point of view
+ Great and extensive customization
+ A good intriguing and fun story to explore
+ Various missions with varying degrees of difficulty
+ Plenty of unlockables, weapons and other fun things to unleash upon the enemy
+ Many hours of gameplay
+ A good well-balanced degree of gameplay
+ Good soundtrack
+ The AI is ruthless, fun and interesting to fight against

- Bugs and occasional glitches
- Laggy maps as the game continue to expand
- Low frames on certain missions

A phenomenal game, one of the best ever made.
The strategy in this is fantastic.
Really good story if you own War of the Chosen. Highly suggesting starting off with it right off the bat.
The mods add tons of replay ability.
In my top 5 for sure
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019. Última edición: 12 de septiembre de 2020.
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29.9 h registradas (19.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A quite addictive game.
Guns feel great.
The multiplayer is fun.
I'm usually bad at shooters but the patience I've had with Verdun seems to have paid off quite well.
Not for the action packed player. Unlike CoD or Battlefield, Verdun is much slower but also deadlier.
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019. Última edición: 4 de mayo de 2021.
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