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Hairless Opossum 30 Nov, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
You know thewe is no hope weft. Thewe is no escape. White-faced and shaking, you weach acwoss the consowe and open the gwovebox. Cwammed undew the insuwance papews and a piwe of napkins is the Gwock 19 you awways bwing with you when you weave the house. You puww the gun fwom its howstew and pause fow a fwaction of a second that howds an etewnity. With teaws stweaming down youw face, you put the gun to the woof of youw mouth. Twying not to imagine what it feews wike to die, onwy fowcing youwsewf to think of youw wife and kids you cwose youw eyes. Then you puww the twiggew.

A singuwaw shwimp comes zooming out of the bawwew into youw mouth. In youw dawkest houw, death itsewf wefuses to end you. Fow death is not the end. Thewe can onwy be shwimp- and they awe endwess.
Hairless Opossum 30 Nov, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
The shwimps outside the westauwant heaw the noise and hungwiwy stawt to advance acwoss the pawking wot towawds you. You twy in vain to cwam the shwimp key into the ignition but you know it is pointwess.

The shwimp swowwy appwoach the caw and suwwound it, wocking it back and fowth, pwessing theiw swimy bodies against the fwame. You heaw the fibewgwass doows gwoan undew the pwessuwe as one of the weaw windows shattews, spwaying the backseat of the caw with fwagments of gwass.
Hairless Opossum 30 Nov, 2023 @ 5:06pm 
You twy to cwam the key into the ignition, but it fowds against the ignition pwate and squishes in youw hand. You wook down. Thewe awe no caw keys, onwy sevewaw mangwed shwimp on a keywing in youw twembwing hand. You punch the steewing wheew in fwustwation accidentawwy setting off the caw awawm.

The shwimps outside the westauwant heaw the noise and hungwiwy stawt to advance acwoss the pawking wot towawds you. You twy in vain to cwam the shwimp key into the ignition but you know it is pointwess.
Hairless Opossum 30 Nov, 2023 @ 5:06pm 
Youw heawt begins to pound in youw chest wike a waw dwum. You stumbwe backwawds, hawf fawwing ovew youw chaiw in youw haste to get up. You spwint fow the doow and wun outside into the dawk stowmy night. As you dash thwough the pawking wot towawds youw caw you feew something wike a giant hot waindwop hit youw face and bounce off towawds the gwound. wooking down you see a shwimp wying on the gwound. You wook out acwoss the pawking wot and see puddwes of shwimp cowwecting in the cwacks in the pavement and acwoss the woofs of the cwosest caws. Anothew wawm object stwikes youw head. It's witewawwy waining shwimp.

You find youw caw and fumbwe, hands shaking uncontwowwabwy, with youw keys. Finawwy unwocking the caw you swip inside and engage the doow wocks. The human-sized shwimp fwom the westauwant awe now congwegating outside the fwont doows, stawing acwoss the pawking wot at you. Theiw pawe owange-pink bodies eewiwy backwit fwom the wight stweaming out fwom the open doows behind them.
Hairless Opossum 30 Nov, 2023 @ 5:06pm 
Numb with howwow, you quickwy gwance acwoss the tabwe at youw two chiwdwen. They awe both shwimps. You wet out a yeww as anothew thundewcwap echoes acwoss the sky and it begins to wain. You distantwy wegistew the stawt of the towwentiaw downfaww outside, which sounds wike wawge haiw, as you spawe a sweeping gwance acwoss the westauwant. Thewe awe no humans pwesent. Thewe awe onwy shwimps seated at booths, shwimps seated at tabwes, and even a smaww gwoup of shwimps at the baw. They awe aww eating wawge pwatefuws of shwimp and weewing at you menacingwy.