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Опубликовано: 11 авг. 2015 г. в 23:37

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
I like this game and i think it really is good for a f2p game so here is my review and this is mainly first looks at the game
Really fun if someone prefers a zombie survival
Has a faint feel of l4d2 to it being that there are four survivors and a little counter strike with classes
Allows you to play with bots
meh~ graphics
(multiplayer was supposed to be here but i didnt try it out yet)
Even good games have cons:
bot ai could be improved
trying to hard to be l4d2 with random encounters of hordes
music plays randomly throughout the whole "map"
limited maps
Needs to have a reward system how are we spposed to do achievements that are really freaking hard and just get a star going "GREAT JOB!!" (aka give us guns)
(not counting in the glicthes or when THE ELEVATORS LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!)

either way this game is great and i really reccomend it and its great for a free to play game and the one thing im so happy about is there is no pay to win systems
thats my 2 cents on the game try it out for yourselves if you like and have fun gaming
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