Azeem Najjar   Antarctica
brrrrrrrr, its pretty cold.......
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524 Hours played
bungie is full of retarded higher ups, pumping out mediocre dlc, letting their game die, laying off og staff that the community has loved forever, but at least we get marathon! Whats marathon? ♥♥♥♥ if I know. I dont think bungie even knows. Sold to Sony to most likely act as a fund raiser, surely marathon wont be another concord right guys? In summary I still love destiny because I think bungie finally realized their cash cow was about to end its life support so theyre straightening up. dont buy any of the dlc through steam because that ♥♥♥♥♥ a scam unless if they light and darkness collection bs is $75 then absolutely buy that one, if not do not spend $150 on that ♥♥♥♥ and look other places for the dlc. Also if youre a new player good luck getting into the game considering over half of all the story is either gone because it was a season activity or because bungie and their 3 brain cells decided to remove the dlc from the game (maybe undo that one bungie). in summary I Love Destiny
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The ghost of Mickle Jackson
Sixty eight years ago in Chicago three kids were at school like any other day but this day was different. Today while Wann, Wike, and Leven walked down the hall they heard the popular kids talking about an old abandoned house somewhere in Chicago. Out of curiosity Wann. Wike, and Leven decided to stop and listen. They found out that the old owner was an alligator hunter who died from a moose while on vacation in Alaska. Then the kids started talking about Snoop Dog’s new song and Wann, Wike, and Leven didn’t care about Snoop Dog and walked away. While walking away they weren’t sure if the popular kids were talking about a real house or if they just saw it on a Facebook post posted by a mom named Karren. Leven suggested that when they get home they all come over to his house and look it up to see if they were talking about a real house. If it's true they will try their best to get to that house and explore. Wann and Wike agree by saying the agreeing chant, “RE, RE, FREE, FREE, WE AGREE!” After they agree Wann says, “Alright gang let's split up to class!” After he says that Wike stares at him and says, “Scooby Doo was the worst show in my life and you can't change my opinion.” After that Leven goes to his class and hears two of the popular kids still talking about Snoop Dog’s new song. Then he just continues his day but some kid got expelled for calling a teacher, “Mom.” by accident.

While walking home Leven remembered about the haunted house and couldn’t wait to get home with Wann and Wike and find out if this old abandoned house is real. After Leven’s one hour walk home Wann and Wike were there waiting for him on his front step. They all go in, head up into Leven’s, room and go onto his computer to look up, “Spooky old abandoned house in Chicago near me.” Leven’s internet is so slow Wike gets up and goes to Leven’s kitchen to make a hot pocket. By the time Wike gets back it finally loaded. Leven clicks on the first link he sees and the heading for the website is, “Why is this old abandoned house in Chicago near me so creepy looking?” Leven scrolls down the page a sees previous owners and sees… M.. Mickle Jackson. Out of horror they all scream because it’s true! They simultaneously look at each other and just pick up their phones and call their moms. Except Wike who had to call his dad because his mom was at work and she said if he calls her again while shes at work she’ll not answer. While calling they all lie and say the’re going out tomorrow night to a fundraiser haunted house ran by first graders.

They all go home to sleep and the next day they all go to school. When they were at school, they saw a man with a pale white face and black hair staring at them. They all think its creepy and just continue to class. After the school day they wait at Leven’s house until they’re ready to leave. After watching Transformers for 3 hours they were finally ready. They look up the address of the house and start walking there.

When they get to the house it's in the middle of a forest. They walk around the house to look for a way in. They found 2 entrances into the house, a dog door and a hole in the roof. They decide to squeeze themselves into the dog door. Wann and Wike get in but Leven gets stuck so Wike unlocks the door, opens it, and goes outside so Wike and Wann can try to pull Leven out of the dog door. They pull as hard as they can until Leven comes out. When he comes out of the dog door they walk into the house and shut the door behind them.

They walk through the house until they get into the living room and sit down on the couch. All of a sudden They hear a loud bang. They all jump up out of fear and hear the most horrifying words they would ever hear, “HEE HEE, HEE HEE, HEE HEE!” As the HEE HEE is getting closer they all panic and look for somewhere to hide. Leven hides under the couch, Wike runs to the closet. But Wann see a lamp top and decides to put it on his head and pretends to be an oddly shaped lamp. They see a man who looks like Michael Jackson but much paler and skinnier. Leven realizes is the same guy they saw earlier at school and that there is something shiny on his key loop.

Mickle Jackson moonwalks back to where he came from while going, “HEE HEE!” Slowly they all come out of their hiding spots. Leven asks why was he making that noise. Wike tells Leven and Wann that, “HEE HEE,” means cheeseball time in Greek. Leven silently screams in horror because he remembers that his mom bought his cheese balls made by a company named HEE HEE. They all realize that they’re in HEE HEE’S cheese ball factory and that the man going HEE HEE is the Ceo, Mickle Jackson. Leven memorized the name of HEE HEE’S Ceo. Leven screams, “YOUR CHEESE BALLS SUCK!” Wike and Wann stare at him and hear, “HEE HEE, HEE HEE, HEE HEE!” They all panic as they see Mickle Jackson getting closer. They all run down the hall until Wike spots a room that says, “production room.” They panic and run in because the HEE HEES are getting closer. They see a big production line of cheese balls. Wike has the 399 IQ decision to arm himself with cheese ball. Wike and Leven grab a lot of cheese balls too. They hear, “HEE HEE!” right outside the door. All a sudden Mickle Jackson kicks down the door so hard that it opens softly and quietly.

Mickle Jackson runs in on all fours at the speed of a cheetah. Wike, Leven, and Wann throw their artillery of cheese balls at this creature while it's charging them. They are throwing the cheese balls so fast and hard that Mickle Jackson is getting pushed back and you can see the cheese ball dust covering his body. Leven turns around and sees a walk in freezer. While throwing the cheese balls Leven says to WIke and Wann, “THERE'S A WALK IN FREEZER RIGHT BEHIND US, LET'S TRY TO LEAD HIM IN THERE!” They all stop throwing cheese balls and run in the freezer and stay next to the back wall. Mickle Jackson jumps in so fast, while still on all fours, that he hits the back freezer wall and you can hear his bones turn into dust. They all run out and slam the door shut. They hear Mickle screaming like someone who stubbed their same toe twice in the same hour. They decide to wait a couple hours until Mickle Jackson freezes. After 3 long hours of just eating cheese balls they go into the freezer and see that the shiny thing on his key loop was a shiny key. Wike takes it off bravely. When he gets close he just steals the whole key loop. Wike walks out and drops the key loop shattering the shiny key that was most likely the key to leave the building. All of a sudden from the freezer they hear, “If you wanted to leave you could have just asked me HEE HEE.” Mickle Jackson stands up and shows them to the exit. Mickle opens the doors for them and says, “Have a good day!” They all respond with, “You too!” But before they leave they take a selfie with Mickle and do a secret handshake.

They all walk back to Leven’s house and walk in and just fall asleep. Leven fell asleep in his bed, Wike slept on the kitchen table, and Wann slept in Leven’s closet standing up dracula style. They all wake up the next day and go to school. When they get to school they hear the popular kids talking about how they went to the spooky house they were talking about yesterday. Wann gets mad and runs over to them and stares at them and says, “Prove it.” They all looked scared and confused but say, “How about you prove it?” Wann takes out his phone and shows everyone the selfie they took with Mickle Jackson. From that day on they all referred to that day as, “National HEE HEE cheese ball day.” Every year they return to HEE HEE’S cheese ball factory and catch up on what happened over the year. One day Leven hopes his kids can someday visit Mickle Jackson.
Spooky K. 25 Sep, 2023 @ 5:05pm 
can confirm comment below
PROFESSOR. DOUBLE D. MILK BAGS 1 Jan, 2023 @ 5:19pm 
i have sex with little boys
Flintloche 6 Apr, 2021 @ 3:01pm 
negev lad respect
Krausaf 20 Jul, 2020 @ 7:34pm 
He ♥♥♥♥
Eagle()/. 25 Jun, 2019 @ 2:20pm 
Negev Pro :csgo_chicken:
spooky 3 Jan, 2019 @ 5:10pm 
only ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ uses negev. very pro if i say so.