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Knochenjochen 6 Mar, 2017 @ 11:00am 
welcome to dead by daylight :whiteward:
𝒫ärdoned ℌüsky 22 Dec, 2015 @ 6:09pm 
𝒫ärdoned ℌüsky 18 Aug, 2015 @ 9:47am 
Ok enough with this small talk. We're just wasting both our time acting like we are enjoying this. I can't hold it in any longer. I started off by declothing you in my mind, then we proceeded to kissing slowly moving down to each other's private areas. You were getting pretty heated at this point I don't know if you were thinking straight but you told me to hog tie you to the bed and punish you and you also said to grab the army men out of the game closet, needless to say I obliged. This is where it got a little weird. I asked you where you wanted it and you said," Blow in my belly button, trudge through it with the army men and act out the D-day invasion." Now I'm sitting here with my penis in hand curious to what that might be like. So if you're down to put our own spin on this momentous historical event I can swing by Toys"R"Us on the way over. Are we going to pound this thing out or are you going to let my Womb Warriors die another meaningless death at the hands of my fap sock?
𝒫ärdoned ℌüsky 2 Aug, 2015 @ 12:02am 
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Robby
He talks about you in his sleep
There's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Robby
And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don't know what he means to me, Robby

Robby, Robby
Robby, Robby
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
TarrasqueHouse 7 Apr, 2014 @ 8:42am 
Best Friends Zaibatsu represent!
Master Crash 26 Feb, 2014 @ 3:59pm 
Hey man! I like your avatar! It looks like he has a Pokemon hat xD