Ser Skizzbro Swaggins IV
The Bird of Hermes   Michigan, United States
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R.I.P. Team Corgi 6/25/19 - 6/28/19
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I thought spinning kicks were his trademark...
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Yuno-Chan 14 Apr, 2023 @ 4:49pm 
Hello in case you were wondering about the mask your assumption is indeed correct it is that mask. I've been back logged with irl work for so I haven't had the time to relearn modelling so at least for now don't expect any new items released from from me. Also just in case you didn't know in order to view any mod from steam in your FCS you need to change the name of the folder the mod is in to the actual mod file name. I could explain how to do that but it would take to long to type it so my best advice is to google how to change steam workshop mods in Kenshi FCS. I hope this helps you out and have a nice day :)
DangerPear 6 Apr, 2017 @ 3:37pm 
Go with Christ
Khan 18 Nov, 2016 @ 9:48am 
Abababeebabooba 16 Jul, 2014 @ 10:09am 