chain me up
Renee   Massachusetts, United States
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Opinionless 27 juin 2016 à 9h27 
パパ と 呼ん で ください ;)
Karma 29 nov. 2014 à 14h34 
Karma 29 nov. 2014 à 14h34 
Aiyeris 29 nov. 2014 à 10h20 
yeah i'm a girl so haha it's no big deal haha yeah totally no big deal TOTALLY not a big deal at all i play games so what?? msg me if you want to give me free stuff I MEAN MSG ME IF U HAVE QUESTIONS MY NAME IS RENEE die
IntenseFajita 18 mai 2013 à 15h05 
tell me a long story
Aiyeris 6 janv. 2013 à 18h00 
♥♥♥♥ factory