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87.5 hrs on record
8.5/10 (9 if you are a Persona fan)
Persona 5 Strikers is by definition, A Sequel to Persona 5 (not royal, as it does not seem to have references to that game story wise), and its a damn good one at that. Even though the game was not only using a completely different Fighting system, from Turn based to Warriors Hack and Slash like, AND was made by a different company, the game at large still feels and plays like a Persona game. What Koei Tecmo pulled off to recreate the Persona style is nothing but extraordinary. Many of their previous warriors games, in my opinion, were just plain boring. I am not a big fan of Warriors games, but somehow they made Persona 5 Strikers still feel not only like Persona, but an actual fun game (sorry Warriors fans). Now onto the pros and cons of this game.

Combat: The combat in this game is simply amazing, especially for a combat system that I previously dislike. With the use of not only Personas and the Phantom Dash Mechanic making the combat feel unique and special each interaction, but also each character's unique playstyle and personality, while also staying true to who they are from the previous game. The game always tries to throw in a new gimmick or mechanic into the fight each time you progress in order to prevent the combat from becoming stale. Fighting large quantities imo is just plain satisfying, however fighting one, strong enemy can show the limits of the combat system. The game does try to spice it up with new mechanics, but it is obvious the combat was made for large groups, as slashing only one target doesn't feel as satisfying, and there were a couple of moments where I thought turn based would had made the boss fight more interesting.

Difficulty: the game was simply easy, a bit too easy at times but at the same time, would be hard. It may be due to me doing all the requests in the game, but near the end it was very uncommon to die, as the game had many many, many forgivable mechanics in order to prevent death, while also many of the enemies would telegraph their attack, allowing for alot of time to react and dodge. There was a Merciless option too, but that was only after you beat the game + post-game content.

Story:Im not going to dive deep into the story simply to avoid spoilers, but at large, the story was pretty damn good. Again, wasn't as good as mainline Persona games, but was still really good at the end and gave me the badass feel that the Persona 5 story previously gave me. The message of this game was also pretty good, tackling modern society issues, and having really complex characters, with none of them being just pure good or pure evil, but instead having reasons for their actions.

Characters: the Phantom Thieves has returned yet again, and I think they still were just as good as in the previous game. They even gave Haru much needed character development that persona 5 lacked in, while also making everyone else more fleshed out, while sticking to who they were in the first game. The New Characters were also amazing, as not only were the new main characters super fleshed out, but also the side characters and the antagonists were really amazing to watch and learn about. There wasn't really an amazing main antagonist like what persona 4 and kinda persona 5 had, but the story kinda went through the same story arc as persona 5 did, and tbh I was fine with it.

Music: as always, the Persona music is back and better then ever. The OST for this game consisted of mostly remixes of previous Persona 5 music, usually in a rock remix format. There was also brand new music for this game, and they were simply sooooooo goooooodddd. Idk how tf they produce bangers after bangers of music, but they do somehow. There was an issue for the ratio of new music and remix music, as I did feel like there was a bit too many remixes where they could had used a new song, but the remix were bangers anyways so I ain't complaining lol.

Small Nitpicks/Positives:
-LOVED how this game felt like Persona 5: Sequel, with just a new combat system.
-PC controls were awful, I had to remap a ♥♥♥♥ ton of buttons in order to make it playable. In the end I got it to work and made if playable, but there was still some issues I couldn't get rid of like how the camera was just either too damn fast, or too damn slow to rotate. I know the game was made for controllers, but whatever I am just that kind of guy.
-The Voice mixing in this game was all around the place. Most of the time, it was pretty good. Sometimes however, the Voice actor would be too quiet, too loud or even have a drop in quality as if they didn't have any noise suppression. It was especially obvious during the beginning segments, like how sometimes even the character's audio would be so damn quiet I would have to repeat them, which just sucked. It was however pretty obvious it was due to the Voice actors having to record remotely due to Covid-19, so I think they get a pass in that regard.
-from persona 5 to persona 5 strikers, due to the combat change, some things were nerfed or majorly buffed indirectly. The SP pool was still pretty small, that was just a 5 thing in the series and its back in strikers. However, items are just 10x better in this game due to not only having huge quantities to buy in the shop and around the city, but also due to now being able to pause the game and chug a ♥♥♥♥ ton of potions and food without the penalty of it taking a turn like what the previous persona games did. IMO I wasn't a big fan of this, as it did kinda slow down combat, but it was different due to the combat, and there wasn't much to do in that regard except maybe nerf the amount of items.
-The game also had weird PC port things alongside it. Its obviously a console port of a game with things like 60 fps lock, game logic pauses when you don't focus on the window, till you go back into the game, and even with max details, the game seemed to have an anti-aliasing issue, with characters and further away objects just looking pretty pixelated imo.

In conclusion, the game was still really damn good, especially for a persona spinoff title. This is most def the best spinoff title from the entire persona series, but I still think the turn based combat should stick for the mainline series going down. Even though I really enjoyed this combat system, it did have its limitations, especially with large boss fights that the other system didn't lack. Of course large quantities was better in this system, but hey. Other than that, this game is especially worth to get if you played Persona 5, as this is just a continuation sequel to that game. If you are a first timer however the game is still really damn good, but you maybe lost in the story element and characters as you don't know who they are and what they did before, as they especially make tons of references to the previous game. I still think you can go thru this game w/o persona 5 experience, but I still highly recommend playing Persona 5 First. The length of the game took me around 50-55 hours, which also included me doing all the requests that was allowed in first playthrough, which is a really damn good length and so worth the price of the game (idk why people complained it was too explained like ok lol).

8.5/10 (9 if you are a Persona fan), really damn good game.
Posted 13 June, 2021. Last edited 13 June, 2021.
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11.2 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
A very impressive mod to Portal 2. The time portal is a REALLY amazing addition to portal (pls hire this man valve for portal 3) and the puzzles overall were very hard, but spectacular. I would be stuck on a specific puzzle for hours but once I finally solved them man it felt good. The story and characters weren't as good as base portal 2 (obv) which was a bummer, but honestly henry (or the test voice over guy) did the job, and had pretty good portal humor overall. Things I did wish were some more creative uses of the time portal, I feel like the concept can def expand alot more and would love to see community made maps for this mod, and uses of modern portal 2 elements like the liquids would be nice if this concept would be expanded upon.
For a Portal Mod- 10/10
In terms of Overall game rating - 8/10
would def recommend to others who have beaten portal already especially for the challenge it offers.
Posted 5 May, 2021. Last edited 5 May, 2021.
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0.5 hrs on record
So this is how Phoon learned how to Bhop.
Posted 2 December, 2020.
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102.6 hrs on record (102.5 hrs at review time)
wow, where do I even begin?
I have only recently gotten into persona, starting with persona 5 the beginning of this year, and it was only truly cause of my other friends pushing me to play the series, and the push got even bigger once joker was announced for smash bros. For the longest time I have avoided the series as I believed that it was just weeb trash and would had been boring. Boy have I been wrong.
Persona 5 by itself was such a masterpiece that I went into this game saying "how can it get any better?" wow was I proven wrong.

This game really gave me a a rollercoaster of emotions, and man did it age better than fine wine. Even though this game had some weaker gameplay elements that persona 5 fixed, the story and the cast really carries this game throughout the whole experience that it makesup for how it can fall behind persona 5, and the story and cast proves to be sooooo much better than the persona 5 crew that it amazes me just how they even topped it. Getting to know every single person in this game was a real joy ride and it just saddens me to know that I will be leaving them. People do not joke that finishing persona leaves a dark void inside you, since it happened to me twice.

Lastly, the game simply has a godlike ost, which is expected from persona. So thank this game for having my spotify only be filled with persona 4 day theme and time to make history.

10/10 and I would even say I liked it more than Persona 5. What a masterpiece of a game.
Posted 28 October, 2020.
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1.3 hrs on record
its free, and has some good character content for later development.
Posted 20 July, 2020.
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18.5 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
what a great puzzle platformer.
Even though I had this game on the xbox 360, I still played the game through steam and the magic of portal still affected me.
Even after all these times, the game still aged well and gave me a chuckle. I would end this with me saying Can not wait for the next entry to portal, but we already know that is never going to happen...

My God, I forgot to even mention that there was a co-op mode and even workshop maps.

Posted 15 June, 2020. Last edited 15 June, 2020.
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139.7 hrs on record (74.7 hrs at review time)
I can't even think of any words that would describe this game other than masterpiece.

The story is top notch, combat is top notch, characters, main storyline, side quests, everything about this game is done to perfection.

If I had to complain, maybe the few bugs, but were only funny small bugs and this game seems bug free when compared to skyrim.

What CD PROJEKT RED pulled off is unbelievable. I never felt bored about the world, the side quests were all interesting, and what saddens me is that I will never be able to experience the feeling of my first time playing this game... and I haven't even played the other DLC which I had heard were also equally amazing. When I play the DLC I will make an edit to this post.

10/10 once again, I wish I could travel back in time to play this game like it was my first time again. This game was most def my best game of the decade for me. I just hope that maybe the next Witcher game will fix the fall damage.

Edit 1: Just finished Heart of Stone, Godlike expansion with such amazing story. IDK if I am even ready to play Blood and Wine.
Posted 15 March, 2020. Last edited 7 May, 2020.
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279.5 hrs on record (98.0 hrs at review time)
The coop zombie game to play, what else is there to say other than this game is perfect.

It also gets a kiss from me cause of the fact that you can play on helm's deep, a damn good version of it too.
Posted 19 February, 2020.
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62.1 hrs on record (19.8 hrs at review time)
Fun game to play every now and then, especially with friends
but why tf are there microtransactions for weapons that should be free?
Posted 19 February, 2020.
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31.1 hrs on record (19.5 hrs at review time)
Boneworks is a magical VR game that kickstarts a new era into what will become fully fleshed out VR games.
VR has always felt like a minigame collection, where each game showed off one element, or sometimes a few elements in one game. Boneworks is what would be considered, a jack of all trades. It doesn't focus on one element, but instead does them all and does it well. The guns all felt amazing, The physics in this game are phenomenal, and the length of the game is long enough to get your money's worth, even excluding the bonus content. Arena and sandbox will add even more hours, and especially finding all the collectables and weapons for sandbox mode.

The issues that Boneworks has that prevent it from being a perfect game can be its focus in physics over comfort. I had to take a few breaks during my playthrough, but after 10-20 minutes I could jump right in. The melee weapons can also feel unbalanced, as blunt weapons are just ass, while sharp weapons can instantly kill most nulls and other enemies in 1 or 2 swings to the head. Puzzles can also be frustrating, especially when it evolves heights, as falling down and having to climb up again can prove annoying.

Overall, this game deserves the praise, and will change how I view other VR games, especially those that don't have physics or the ability to grab and pick up any object I can see.
Posted 19 February, 2020. Last edited 25 November, 2020.
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