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66.3 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 2,183.3 tuntia (2,084.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 19.6.2020 klo 3.04
Muutettu 19.9. klo 4.55.

Hunt is the best multiplayer shooter on the market, but has deeper issues.

Unfortunately held back by a long list of problems Crytek doesn't believe are issues, along with the company actively punishing conversation around the topics in public or in support circles.
===THE GOOD===
  • A hall stompin' soundtrack.
  • Distinct, crisp, and verbose sound design that can be heard across the map.
  • Player footsteps that can be heard at great range, with varying material-based sounds.
  • Legendary weapon and character design that is both unique and immersive to the setting.
  • Proximity voice/text chat.
  • Fast TTK.
===THE BAD===
  • ELO MMR:
    * ELO was built for chess, a 1v1 strategy game with no RNG elements. Hunt has A LOT of RNG.
    * ELO adjusts too quickly up and down, causing rampant improper skill classifications and poor match qualities anywhere from 3* to 5* MMR. According to Hunt's ELO system: a 3* with a 0.6KD is the same skill ranking as a 3* with a 3.8KD. Another byproduct of this is that accidental smurfing is common in Hunt, where a 5-6* player died repeatedly to a 2-3* player, and now they're in 4* lobbies destroying lower skill players until they reach their real MMR again.
    * Hunt's in-game economy is dysfunctional. Hunt Dollars are too easy to earn and keep: Taking what is part of the weapon balance and economy complexity from something like CSGO and effectively removing the reason for it's implementation. What good is balancing equipment around monetary cost if the price tag means nothing to most players? Thus, you will see the same high end weaponry ad infinitum, and the only players that suffer because of this are players who are new, just prestiged, or are on a painfully massive losing streak.
    * The major events bring out the worst in the playerbase: Major events heavily reward PvP, causing players to lose their earned Battlepass points on death; the game becomes unbearably sweaty during events. Players don't need MORE reasons to be competitive, quite frankly.
    * High-end explosives are too easy to spam and cook too easy, and possess too few counters other than "position better" and "run dauntless." High MMR fights tend to open with explosive spam rivaling that of SW: Battlefront 1 (2015) in Open Beta. This isn't helped by the fact that almost all buildings in the game have more structural holes than a fanfic written by a 12 year old who discovered the concept of vampires a week ago; AND every throwable in the game can suddenly quantum transpose itself through a quarter-sized hole once it leaves your hand.
  • FIRE:
    * The ability to burn downed players to put them on a timer does nothing for the gameplay other than forcing players to run choke grenades, along with making the victim player sit out AFK for longer lengths of time until their team recovers a boss token for the revive. Simply watching the body or applying DoT over the body is enough to keep a player from being revived, and losing a bar of health is enough punishment for being downed already.
    * Crutch perks. Players without those perks are punished frequently by having a substantially faster TTK thrown at them forcefully in close to mid range.
    * Hipfire generally needs a rework as either it works for you, or it REALLY doesn't, and that experience is inconsistent across different players due to the RNG nature of it as one player will find better luck more consistently than another, without any sort of game/code bias, just due to how chance mechanics work when not tapered.
    * Crutch perk. Fragility of life is a theme in Hunt, and Doctor currently works against that theme; allowing players with that perk to heal twice as much as other players without the perk.
    * Crutch perk. Hard to fight it, and harder still if you don't have it.
    * Bodies will just revive around you randomly with almost no sound cue, further encouraging desperate body-burning, and the body-watching strat that Necro was implemented to counter in the first place.
  • AMMO:
    * Lower tier ammo types need buffs desperately compared to FMJ, High Velocity, Slugs, and Spitzer.
    * Slugs, High V., and Spitzer are simply P2W ammo types, in their current state.
    * The only counter to long ammo is long ammo. This makes for a painfully stale meta.
    * Limb damage turns players into bullet sponges. You're telling me that if someone took a 12G Buckshot to your kneecaps at a 12m distance, it wouldn't incapacitate you instantly? Right. But a glancing Derringer shot to your mustache at 40m would? Right.
  • MMR:
    1) Remove the additional incursions for killing/dying above/below your skill bracket.
    2) Set a numerical ELO floor at the bottom of the player's skill bracket, so high skill players cannot magically end up in new player MMR lobbies after having died 6 times. This also allows high MMR players to mess around inside their bracket without severe punishment, decreasing Hunt's MMR toxicity.
    4) Factor PER RANK KD into the player ELO determination, so we no longer see 0.6KD 3*'s against 3.4KD 3*s.
    5) Cap high MMR player's loadout costs when queuing into low MMR lobbies to allow for fairer experience for all skill ranks. Ex: 6* in a 4* Lobby: $200 loadout cap. 6* in a 2* Lobby: $50 cap, aka melee only.
    * Instantiate a Hunt Dollar wallet cap so a player can only full buy an average expensive loadout and die about 3 times before needing to eco. My recommendation is a limit of $1.5k.
    * Some consumables take up more than one consumable slot.
  • FIRE:
    * The removal of fire's ability to burn downed players and remove max HP; Could pair with a DoT buff.
    * Fanning/Levering needs to be made standard/free for all characters, and ideally made more predictable/consistent in use.
    * Necro needs to be more heavily telegraphed via cues on the body, as well as take much longer. Perhaps make it a "fire and forget" revive to compensate, so necro's can fight WHILE reviving a teammate?
  • AMMO:
    * Remove Slug's damage boost over Buckshot, and instead allow it to headshot at rifle ranges.
    * Remove High V. and Spitzer.
    * Give limb shots the full 1.0 damage multiplier.
  • MISC.:
    * More bosses and enemies, please.
    * The ability to sell equipment procured from the field.
    * Battle Pass/Event incentives for PvP were removed.
    * MUCH more active report/reputation systems to counter cheating/toxicity.
    * Match timer of 30min, instead of 45min.
    * Make toxic users who queue for random trios and DC immediately after getting downed have queue solo for 48 hours.
    * Huge nerf jumping/air strafing. Watching high-MMR cowboys jump around like fortnite characters is ridiculous. IMO, I'd remove jumping completely.
Unparalleled title, has high-ELO issues.

Over time, high-MMR matches start to blend together because it's all the same thing over and over. Push compound, shot in the back by long ammo; Wait outside compound, shot in the back by long ammo; Run to evac, shot in the back by long ammo.

Risk-less gameplay is heavily incentivized because dying SEVERELY hits your MMR, and removes hard earned characters and equip, so what do you think high-MMR players are going to do? Wait a compound away, shoot people in the back, and only push when they have overwhelming advantage; Or never push at all because they don't have to.

BF3/BF4 Recons were never a huge problem because inevitably your team HAD to push onto sites to win. In Hunt, you never have to push. The bounty holders have to leave their compounds eventually.

It's a bit telling when the game's own high-MMR content creators (Hornet, Quinx, RatchaZ, etc..) will go out of their way to deliberately die repeatedly in a match to lower their MMR to get into lobbies without Long Ammo/Spitzer/Dolch FMJ spam.

But Crytek doesn't think it's a problem.
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