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soozakoo 15 Oct, 2024 @ 2:31am 
Give me a 🏠 among the gum 🌴 , with lots of plum 🌲 , a 🐑 or two and a kangaroo, a clothesline out the 🔙 , veranda out the front and an old rocking 💺 Give me a 🏠 among the gum 🌴 , with lots of plum 🌲 , a 🐑 or two and a kangaroo, a clothesline out the 🔙 , veranda out the front and an old rocking 💺 󠀀
soozakoo 28 Sep, 2024 @ 12:19pm 
Alright, buckle up, because it’s time to talk about New Zealand—the so-called "land of the long white cloud." A place that’s basically the world’s version of Narnia. Sure, they say it exists, but has anyone actually seen it? I’m convinced it’s a conspiracy cooked up by bored cartographers. The geography is too perfect—mountains, beaches, forests—it’s like someone mashed together all the biomes from Minecraft and stuck them in a corner. And have you noticed how it’s always just out of frame on maps, hiding behind Australia like a shy kid? Because it’s not real! If it were, it wouldn’t look like a glitch on Google Maps. And the people? Come on, have you really met a New Zealander, or just an Australian doing a funny accent? They're always described as "chill," like fictional characters. Coincidence? I think not!
Chad Thundercock 18 May, 2024 @ 11:32pm 
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soozakoo 24 Mar, 2024 @ 9:20am 
How do I stop my husband from going "goblin mode" during sex???
My husband says "goblin mode activated" whenever we are in bed. He growls, and acts like a caveman, and then says "goblin mode off" when we stop, and then pretends to not know what I'm talking about when I ask him about it...
soozakoo 20 Oct, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
Chad Thundercock 8 Aug, 2023 @ 5:37am 