Aka Bookah, Jabari   Kalmar, Kalmar Lan, Sweden
Army Of Masks [AoM] - Community
Review Showcase
767 Hours played
Having poured an unhealthy amount of my life into Guild Wars 2, specifically in the chaotic mayhem of World vs World, I can confidently say I've developed a love hate relationship with this pixelated realm.

Clocking over 10,000 hours already on my main account, I've witnessed the strategic brilliance of my fellow players (or the lack thereof) and formed alliances that could rival any dysfunctional family reunion.

The WvW battles are the stuff of legend, where the line between epic victory and facepalm-worthy defeat is thinner than the armor on my in-game character.

This isn't just a game, it's a commitment, a clown fiesta, and a testament to my questionable priorities.
Yet, as I stare at my screen and contemplate my life choices, I'm not quitting anytime soon.