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Krunchy 24 FEB 2019 a las 9:11 
Awesome Vermintide 2 Guide! Really helpful to new players, and those who just haven't learned where every grim or tome is.

Eternalruler 4 MAY 2018 a las 16:35 
Really liking the Vermintide 2 tome & Grim guide, just waiting on the pictures for the other locations so I can simply pull it up look at it and confirm I'm at the right spot, thanks for all the work.
SaltyCarrots 28 MAR 2017 a las 11:13 
i really appreciate it, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad it help people :)
Zilas 28 MAR 2017 a las 9:46 
They're great, makes things much easier. Even though they decreased the requirement from 30? to 10 it can still be annoying at times, I think Prison never had 30.. that map was the most aids out of all. Video definitely beats pictures, even if I don't know where you are I could just skip to halfway in the video and go backwards, (this was mostly useful for prison) or in most cases maps that only need 10 and have 30 I don't have to go back at all. I rated all your KF2 guides 5 stars, hope it helps.
SaltyCarrots 28 MAR 2017 a las 5:37 
@Zilas Thank you! been a while since i actually did one though, maybe i should start doing them again
Zilas 28 MAR 2017 a las 2:20 
Love your killing floor 2 guides!