Cheating is not possible on VAC secured servers.
Si si Senorita
2 1
10.3 時間プレイ
Game just came out and there is very few bikes BUT already 4 DLC to pay for, 3 that gives you 2,3 bikes and a DLC to get more credits at the end of races, personally thats enough reason for me to ask a refund and not support this greedy kind of business with no respect for customers.
Overpass 4k 1Second
Yserion 4月29日 8時33分 
+rep ggwp! ^^ (from Cenobite)
Usman Abdal Jalil Shisha 4月26日 10時44分 
-rep useless tunneler + slugger + french
Yarik 2021年12月20日 17時38分 
rep tunneller in dbd. Disassemble the game and do the world a favor
Kacz00szka 2021年12月14日 11時46分 
-rep ofc tunneller ;D
Haku 2021年11月30日 12時03分 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ teammate :steamthumbsdown:
VAK 2021年11月30日 11時47分 
-rep не лечит не снимает с крюков и ныкается по карте короче сыкло вонючее