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Senaste recensioner av Sakujo

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457.0 timmar totalt (437.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Could use some Lootboxes tbh.
Upplagd 29 april 2019.
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96.4 timmar totalt (51.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
At first I was skeptical because of the missing weapons/armor and the lack of level up.
And yes, this is a bit of a bummer as you'll not be able to play the game with a different build other than using different fighting techniques. The first 3 - 4 hours felt very weird because of these missing RPG elements.

Though after I while I learned to appreciate the much better combat compared to their other, earlier Souls games. I also started to like the no-leveling aspect as it forces you to fight a boss without any chance to overlevel and be too strong.

The graphics are very nice and the beautiful art style, with the different areas, makes it enjoyable to look at. I did screenshots something all the time. The combat is very hard but I can see how some people, who are trained in combat games and practiced precise button pressing, will have a much easier time. Personally I found the game a lot harder than Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 for sure. Overall a solid 10 of 10 experiance.
Upplagd 31 mars 2019. Senast ändrad 29 april 2019.
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79.0 timmar totalt (46.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
"Definitely a keeper, no returning. The longer I play it, the better it gets."
- My first reaction after 2 hours.

As of writing this review I have completed 3 and 1/2 of the 5 islands. 6 islands total if you count sandbox. I spend 35 hours on it by now.

You can feel Frontier loved working on this games and to help people decide I wrote a detailled review:

Sounds & Music:

It has the original Jurassic sounds as you'd expect. It's a design decision to have music only play on events but overall it's a bit too calm sometimes. For an amazing sound design I'd want the music to play more often to keep up the mood.
Hearing the different dinosaur is a very good feeling, it's basically the core of the game, to enjoy looking and listening at your dinosaur. You can hear when a dinosaur wants to break out through slamming on the walls and every building/vehicle has a fitting atmospheric noise. Jeeps have different radio music on each island. Personally I'd like to change them myself, rather than only on and off.

Park management:

The best part is to figure out which dinosaur can stay together in one cage and how large you should build it and with what forest/grassland composition. That's your creative freedom as long as the dinosaur don't want to break out of it. The limited space on the islands give you a challenge as you can't simply plop down buildings and call it a day.
The building placing restrictions could be improved though, especially on the start you'll get frustrated by how restricted it feels at first. Flatting down the terrain helps a lot but still won't let you use the full map boundary as you'd expect.
Changing the sold product on the guest stores is a nice addition but overall lacks the real purpose. It's hard to lose money on those shops and other than satisfying the needs of your guests they have no purpose. Guests don't wear Jurassic World shirts or throw away trash from the fast food store nor do they need toilets.
The overall jobs you have to do in the park range from refilling the dinosaur food over healing them when they're sick to tranquilizing and transporting them if they break out. Combined with the 3 type of missions (you can interchange them as you will) gives you a lot to do.
The money aspects are similar easy as they are in Planet coaster, which is a bit sad. Though in JWE you do at least get in trouble the first 30 to 60 minutes if you don't pay attention, really starting on map 2 where the weather will give you much more trouble.
More about the progress feeling further down.

Progress feeling & Gameplay:

Aside from the park management you also have to research buildings/cures for diseases/genome upgrades etc. Which is keeping you constantly busy, sometimes too busy. Yeah it's a weird thing to criticize in a management game that you have too much stuff to do. The thing is, you'd sometimes like to watch your dinosaur roam around more but are constantly interrupted by one dying of old age, getting sick or craving for food. The real progress is finding fossils to complete the dinosaur genomes and modify them with researched genome additions and have a running park (5*).
So far the sandbox mode (which I unlocked after around 10 hours) has unlimited money. I really hope they give us some progression options there, as unlimited will leave you with only the building aspect, even though the money never is a big trouble...
There is no clear rating for the difficulty as it changes through out the game. Starting with island two it got more challenging, while island 3 and 4 have you challenged through tighter building areas and other challenges.


I know it's always a debatable point. Some say there are much prettier games but I honestly haven't seen one look better with dinosaur. The only other game with amazing looking dinosaur is 'Ark Survival' but it's no management game and it's performance is horrible.
The UI needs a little work though, for example you can't see the dinosaur needs before you hatched and released them. (Workaround = Wiki) I'm sure that's something they'll address, as Frontier is known for.
Lightning and weather looks great, just having the visitors hold little umbrellas would be a nice detail. I like the damage system and how the buildings look destroyed after a storm.
Placing trees individually and closer to buildings would be another request. But these things don't push down my rating.
There could be more interactions between the dinosaur. I don't mind it but it might be important for you.


The lack of hotkeys other than 'R' and 'T' for ranger station and helicopter transportation respectively are the only two hotkeys and most other keys are not changeable. Right click for leaving a menu isn't consistent. I had to change camera sensitivity to the maximum of 10 get any movement going with a low DPI set mouse. Directly telling a ranger to fill the food storage without extra clicks would be a nice addition.

Bugs / Performance
🔲a lot / bad
🔲very little / optimized

JWE runs mostly on 60FPS on my system on Ultra settings. (GTX980,32GB RAM, i7-4790k) I notice on larger parks the performance can go down a bit and there is at least one memory leak that dragged the performance down after ~6 hours of playing, a simple restart of the game fixed it though.
I had some UI elements freeze on me so I couldn't click on them anymore. (Had to wait for autosave and then restart the game). Overall there were zero crashes and if you keep in mind that they had to release the game with the movie, hey that's impressive. The polishing of the game feels right, there are other games who feel way rougher overall.

Personal final score of 100:
🔲<50 really bad
🔲51-60 bad
🔲61-70 below average
🔲71-75 average good
✅76-80 good
🔲81+ amazing

It's a good game and that means it's absolutely recommendable as long as you like dinosaur and can enjoy a management game even if it's not hardcore difficult or super deep.
The game is exactly as I expected it from Frontier, like I know them from Planet Coaster. There are some things that I'd like to see improved and as I know Frontier they'll do that.
Aquatic and flying dinosaur are missing, sadly. I'd be fine at this point to buy them for ~10€ as I very well understand that Frontier has to spend time and manpower on developing such features.

Price & recommendation:
✅little expensive
🔲good deal
🔲a stealing

Many might argue that it's not worth the 60€ for them and they usually make a fair point. I like the game a lot and I think it's totally worth the 60€ in my own eyes but I'd not blindly recommend this game to literally everyone. Not blindly, because taste differs and people might dislike features that I actually enjoyed vice versa. I can overall recommend this game if you like dinosaur and just have fun looking at them, listening to their sounds, mixing them up with other dinosaur. All with nice graphics and enjoyable music.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the money is taken by Steam and Universal for the licenses.

There are some things they could improve and I'm sure at some point they will as they did the same with Planet Coaster. Right now the game is very playable and I'd not say one should wait any longer to have a dinosaur park. :)
Upplagd 12 juni 2018. Senast ändrad 21 juni 2018.
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163.9 timmar totalt (76.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
You’re a dumb peasant...

... and that's what makes this game so amazing.
You aren't Superman with a blade aka Geralt of Rivia or some unnamed Dragonborn that can shoot lightning out of your eyes, no, you're just Henry, Henry of Skalitz. Even for the son of a blacksmith your skills are very bad in basically everything, you never learned reading and your fighting skills are worse than a chicken waiting to get slaughtered by the Cumans. Your strength is that you have non other than your will to live and that you want to revenge on whoever did this to you and your family.

In this game you are not the king. You're the guy that will wear the bloody cloths of a dead and sleep in the dirt right beside some smelly boar and a pile of horse manure. This game will give you nothing, not even the ability to save as often as you want. You're a peasant so people will scream at you and insult you and you have to push down your anger on the more unpleasant people who are in power and decide about your life without your consent.

I know, some people will scream now: "Man that's freaking amazing!" And I tell you, yeah it is and this is an RPG many people have waited for. I know, because I'm one of them. It starts on many detailed mechanics so many other RPGs never dared to even try. Many of these mechanics are set on a whole 'nother level of realism and make you feel more like the main character than any other RPG you've played before.

To compare this game to Games like Witcher and Skyrim is simply not fair, because KCD starts where so many other popular RPGs stopped inventing and investing time to add mechanics behind. So many things you can do in other RPGs with one click is several in KCD, for example repairing your sword isn't just click and repair. In KCD you go to a grindstone and you have to kickstart it at the same time that you move and rotate the blade along the surface. You can even ruin your weapon if you do it wrong and it's more damaged than when you started. Alchemy is a complex concept that Henry can't even get behind before he learned more. Theft and lock picking has serious consequences once you get caught. If you get bad reputation the wards will search you more often and you can quickly become an disliked person no trader wants to talk to.

Here the wealthy will make sure you feel like a peasant. You'll walk disappointed past the arms dealer as one of the good armor pieces costs as much as a piece of land. Carefully you need to decide which way you'll follow as metal armor will make noise and right out makes your thief job a nightmare. But maybe you feel more like the christian crusader and want to make bandits kiss your shiny metal ass. Yet you'll notice that you're not going to be that one-man-army of many other RPGs.

The majestic landscapes of this game seek it's competition. Never have I seen a forest as life like or a town so realistic in it's job diversity and hierarchy. The rising and setting of the sun, the night sky with realistic star positions and the lovely ambient music will hold you in the arms and will only let you go once you realize it's 4:00 am. The medieval music is truly amazing and will push the "I'm in this world!" feeling further. You'll even learn about historical things without paying attention to it and if you look closer you'll be able to read all kind of historical knowledge out of your journal.

Pro Tip: The synchronization is really good, especially the German one that made it impossible for me to play on English. If you want something even more unique and maybe English is your first language. Set the game to German voices and English subtitle/menu to get even more of that "medieval Europe" feeling.

Yes the game does have downsides. As I said there are complex mechanism going on and this will lead to bugs. The consequence is that this game will never be bug free. It's simply not possible. Are the bugs annoying? Yes, and because of the save system it can happen that you lose an hour of playtime. But this doesn't happen that often thankfully and KCD is totally playable. I never had it crash on me.
If you read other reviews you might have noticed that they tend to go into both directions. Because if we are honest, this game is at least a 90 or more but the bugs is what drags it down. Good thing is that bugs can be polished but the great mechanics and story of KCD will stay forever. This is a refresh for what RPGs should be and I can only hope that other publisher take big notice of it. Warhorse has delivered with their Kingdom Comes Deliverance and it's a true gem. A few people will say: "Wait for the bug fix patches, or sale." But you know what? Don't. Get it right away. You just have to support a company going so much out of their way to create such an amazing RPG that's totally unique.
Upplagd 16 februari 2018. Senast ändrad 16 februari 2018.
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8.2 timmar totalt (5.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
One day ... one day we might get a reboot.

Still one of my favorite strategy games. I can only recommend it as it didn't age at all.

+ Soundtrack
+ epic space battle
+ grand strategy
+ galaxy map

- pathfinding of units is bad

- graphic hasn't aged at all for some reason

PS: Thanks for bringing back Multiplayer!!!1
Upplagd 1 september 2017. Senast ändrad 1 september 2017.
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1,095.8 timmar totalt (123.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
It's one of my favorite games of all time. It's very unique and has one of the highest replay values of any game I know.
Awesome music, balanced gameplay, always something new is happening,
absolutely creating the most ridiculous stories you can imagine.

If you had to describe the stories to someone else not knowing the game they'd call you crazy.
Every thread about this game is a pure gift to /r/nocontext.

It's well worth the money don't let the graphics fool you.

Plus you get a fantastic community and awesome mods.
The developer is very active and communicating directly on Reddit and the Forum.
Upplagd 2 juni 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
110.1 timmar totalt (49.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Fantastic game with a fantastic soundtrack.

When I saw the game the first time I wasn't sure if this is my kind of game but this changed completely.
I think I bought it on a sale but looking back it's well worth the 10€.
One could not expect more from a 10€ game and the best of all: It doesn't feel cheap.

It's a game I will come back to and play in years simply because it won't have age badly at all.

+ fantastic soundtrack
+ challenging
+ high replay value

- no negative points

I recommend everyone to play the game with the Patch content enabled. I myself didn't notice the content for like 20 hours until I saw the button in the hangar. Excellent gift for people who like space and strategy.
Upplagd 12 maj 2017.
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125.2 timmar totalt
It's not a bad game, don't get me wrong. It' still a game that will fill you a few hours.
And hey, it's from Bethesda so there are really some good things about it to like, right?
Well if I try to make a list of what is good ... than I notice how hard it really is.

  • soundtrack is good
  • overall the sounds are added decently and add to the atmosphere
  • some areas look really cool, though they repeat a lot. You could say that's understandable on a wasteland but only to a certain degree.
  • Good character editor
  • Clothing pieces are awesome. I also like the powerarmors though they are overpowered.

  • Performance is bad because the engine behind is bad
  • Graphics. I do agree that they are only second important, but if we keep in mind that this time the graphics are really dated I don't want to accept that this time. Needs many mods to fix stuff. Though some areas look good because of filters etc but some others look really unloved. Yeah like someone did not have the time to add details and make the textures not suck.
  • Sidequests, very repetitive, some are good but the best stuff happens off-screen and you can only read about it on terminals.
  • Some areas have not been thought through till the end. There are more Raider camps than there are places to raid. Exploring isn't as rewording as it were on prior games.
  • Dialogue options are a joke: Yes is Yes, Maybe is YES, sarcastic is YES, even No is Yes
  • No way to play an evil character at all. Zero chance other than to murder all. Wow...
  • Skills are not important for quests. That was done way better by other Fallout games.
  • Base building is pointless and it's hard to place stuff because the UI sucks and I'm used to crappy UI's.
  • mainstory is boring and not well done. Without spoilering: The worst part is that it will force you do do certain things you might not want to and there is zero option to skip it. If you still do, than you get no ending at all. I accepted that and uninstalled.
  • Only one big city and even that city is tiny and not detailed, there is also not much reason to come back there often
  • Overpriced shallow DLCs
  • Crappy voiced main character. They should have not added that at all. Let's pray for all TES fans this doesn't find a way into the upcomming games. *please Beth!*
  • Ballance is still off as it was in Skyrim. Either the enemy are too easy or they eat up ever single piece of ammo you have. This includes manuel tweaking in the settings already.
    Some skill combinations are OP as hell.
  • Loot system is not as rewording as it was in prior games. I miss all these unique weapons, it feels like a step backwards.
Upplagd 26 november 2016. Senast ändrad 26 november 2016.
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188.2 timmar totalt (99.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I'd like to compare Planet Coaster a bit to Cities Skylines and games like Banished. But those are just remotely viable as examples because Planet Coaster focus on building a theme park and not a town/city, yet you can say that they all give you a lot of room for creativity. In such games you need to be patient and fix little details until you're pleased with the result. You also shouldn't hesitate to look at other peoples creations for inspiration to create the best looking scenario. Looking at a real park is also no bad idea.

Be it a city builder or a theme park creator, the feature to terraform your map is one of the essentials for me and Planet Coaster does this outstandingly well.
Combined with similar freedom as you'd have in a 3D editor (with existing objects/parts) you can easily create buildings and scenery. You have tonnes of pieces (like walls, roofs, beams, shops) and scenery parts (special effects and décor) which you can put together, save as blueprint and than upload to the Workshop for everyone free to use. That way even less creative or more management focused players can forge their park via simply downloading community created stuff.

The sound system of Planet Coaster is just phenomenal. Happy music with realistic coaster sounds and satisfying effects when placing stuff or clicking something. Hmm tasty for the ears!

As someone generally not a fan of comic-like graphics I absolutely love the one of planet coaster. The colorful people walking around, the stunning lightning and plentiful themes to create your park with have something magically that will keeping you playing. You will notice how the hours melt away when you ride a coaster or watch your peeps having fun with the entertainers.
Meanwhile you can read their minds on what they like or dislike to optimize your park.

But most important for people buying a coaster simulator is creating their own rides. Planet Coaster gives you plenty of different rides with the ability to design your own track layout, with useful overlay tools showing information like excitement and speed etc. on each track position.

In short the positive:
  • great terraforming tool
  • nice sounds and atmosphere
  • pretty graphics and lightning
  • large enough map (it should be possible to rebuild real parks 1:1)
  • decent people simulation with needs, likes and dislikes
  • awesome object/building creator
  • high replay value
  • good chance for future support from the developers in term of free content plus dlcs
  • first person coaster riding or visitor camera
  • low price
  • lots of details
  • I love the entertainer you can hire
  • useful editor for building
  • design your own coaster tracks
  • management aspects are "only" average. It's up to personal preferences but I like them as they are right now. Enough freedom to change the salary of your staff or change the cost of every ride.
  • you have to get used to the controls. As soon as you remember the hotkeys you will be happy.

If I had to nitpick maybe that there could be a few more objects you can use to build with also that you cannot use all terrain textures on all parks is a sad engine limitation.
I think the amount of rides is actually pretty fine as it is. Some people would want to have more, as I said above I can't compare to other Coaster games, so I'm pleased with what is there in game at this point. We will likely get updates and DLCs to add even more stuff.

If you like the trailer and enjoy building: It's exactly what you will get and you will have fun for many hours to come.
Upplagd 24 november 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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207.7 timmar totalt (72.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Best 14€ spend in a long time. A one-man project you should support!

As someone playing many retro games with 2.5D graphics and also a huge fan of pixel art, I can tell you that this game looks great. You feel the lovely details literally in every pixel. The following review is not whitewashed because one person created that game alone, but that makes it even more impressive.

What you might have heard is the comparison of Stardew Valley with Harvest Moon and that's pretty accurate for the most parts. To the people who haven't played this game you should think back to the GameBoy Advance era. Now combine that with a farm and RPG elements and you have Stardew Valley.

Pixel art in itself is pretty timeless and with it's simple mechanics the game doesn't feel old at all. It immerses with an astonishing good soundtrack and well chosen sound effects. And the most important part: it keeps you playing. The motivational progression in creating your own farm with animals, fruit trees and crops gives you more and more to design and optimize it. And if all fails you can go into the mine, slay monster or go fishing. The fighting system is not overly violent or complicated, so don't feel scared.

The compact story of Stardew Valley helps to round this game to a masterpiece. From lovely characters with many different backstories and yearly events, over house decoration and a touch of fantasy, everything is there. It doesn't feel blown up with unnecessary stuff and there is incentive for exploration and completion.
The game world isn't the biggest out there in kind of size, nevertheless a bigger map would hurt the game more than it would help. And I say that as someone that plays open world rpgs and loves huge maps.

I can recommend this game to everyone, not just kids and not just adults.
Upplagd 1 november 2016. Senast ändrad 1 november 2016.
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